Why i dont like the new patch.


Im not blaze take it to him


What i am talking about is that they change the physics of the game. thats why i am complaining and they nerf the fanatic, pistol, plasma, axe. jump. aiming and basically all the game.

Can’t wait to kill you again.

like i said people will understand the point that i am saying about the game. i am exposing my arguments saying why i dont like the new changes.

i dont play with you jajajaja

come on at the end people will get the point of this post. because its truth what i am saying.

If you play the game you will. I run into you a lot. Gonna have me some fun

are you naskopz? or ghostface jajajajaja

you are embarrising yourself

like i said. people will understand my point. you are two such a losers

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You’re talking about Pc players cheating, but you use the fanatic glitch lol. You make the frogs look bad.

You’re complaining that Illfonic finally got rid of that Fanatic garbage. Anyone that had to use that glitch is garbage at the game.


they cheat both sides. that not my issue they change de game mechanics and physics. like running jumping as pred and ft. you dont get my point

Using the fanatic glitch is cheating. You can’t complain about cheating while being a cheater yourself lol


a cheater trying to act like hes all that lmaoo i seen it all

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You are terrible. The only thing you can use as the Predator is the Battle Axe, and you rage-quitted Private Matches against me because you kept dying with 0 damage despite playing as Dante Fanatic & Dante Field Medic & kept screaming through the mic “STOP HACKING BRO” when you died.

In fact you’re so adamant that I’m a hacker, that you and your friends decided to camp in a warehouse on Derailed for a Full 15 minutes of the match with 3 Supports & 1 Scout, with a near infinite supply of Medkits, Ammo Bags & PDLs. Then, you were somehow happy with yourself, as if you’d achieved something, when the timer ran out because you’d all camped in the building for the entire match. Didn’t even try to leave the building or do the mission once, yet you somehow think that you won the match? You then decided to message me after the match and harass me, absolutely ecstatic that you didn’t die, acting as if you won the match. It doesn’t get much more sad than that.

So let me get this straight, you’re complaining because you can’t use the Fanatic exploit, something of which you literally accuse people of exploiting and talk shit to them for, yet you’re also using it yourself? Classic case of hypocrisy & self-entitlement right there.

Funny how you leave Matches with PC Players because you think all of them cheat/hack meanwhile you use the Fanatic exploit.

I wouldn’t have thought you’d be bothered about “fun” gameplay seeing as your idea of “fun” is to camp in a warehouse for the full 15 minutes of a match.
That was without a doubt the most boring match I have ever played on this game👍

This is your average response to anyone on the game who is better than you (quite a lot of people). Also pretty rich coming from a guy who actively harassed me on PSN messages for no good reason.

Yes, he is.


What an intelligent human being.

This sums him up more or less perfectly 👌

Funny how the weakest link of a team is the one being arrogant and talking crap am I right?

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Samhain is legit player, I don’t know nor care for the rest and NO I am not kissing his ass, but he is legit player. Pro player. Do me a favor, play some CS 2 and see that there are far better aimer and stronger players than him. I have friend that is just ordinary Silver League CS 2 player, that guy play PHG now, his name is Smart. He is insane, with his smart disk and hand held plasma caster. Literally insane of all insanes. He wrecks us if we are not death squad.

I played against him, broke his 2 discs, then lay down xD but my players beat him. It was an interesting match.

In case you don’t know if preds moves faster and jump quicker/shorter , it’s a buff 😂

Axe got fixed that’s not a nerf , besides who cares about meele (that’s why you always die because of axe) plasma caster got buffed btw

These sentences were actually nonsense for me , i don’t get what you’re saying

Fact 🤣🤣🤣

This guy was a fanatic exploiter

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