Why the hell is 90% of the PS community so scared to play me?

They can’t leave. The 5 friends they made here beat the 0 friends in real life everytime.


How tf is that hypocrisy?
He accused me of complaining about Prozi and Mojos playstyles which I didn’t even do. If it were hypocrisy I would’ve then proceeded to go blah blah blah stop using macros blah blah blah stop using Field Medic to them.

Then you mentioned completely different people who I actually did have comments for on their playstyle.

Also, why pick out me of all people in this thread, where the only thing pretty much every single person in here is doing is complaining about something or other technically?

Couldn’t have said that much better myself.

Because you literally bitched about the grenades.
Like sure I agree, nade spam is pretty lame, but this us literally complaining about it. He called you out cause you said you arent complaining when you actually did.

They’re complaining too, but they never said they didnt complain.



He did, it’s the same attention seeking bs we have seen before just under a different game. I hope he finds something else to define his self worth as this is getting him nowhere. It’s just drama and I don’t do drama. We get people leave our lobby all the time cause they don’t want sweaty and that is ok. But we also lose plenty, as for the new preds, you really need a team of three with all the glitches and often we are just 2. Don’t see any of us whine. Most good preds love to play us and we love to play them. You don’t get better if you don’t challenge yourself.

A good duo in pubs is often overkill.

A team of 3 🤣 for who?


It’s not attention seeking. It’s called getting pissed off after having to queue up 20 minutes to play as Predator and have a full team leave on me because they are potatoes and actually have the small enough brain capacity to believe I’m cheating. Especially when there are half a dozen potatoes who do this.

you’ve left my lobbies with me as pred, you pu$$y lol

Drama my ass

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Its been a while since we had any popcorn worthy moments🍿


This is how, you literally said it while earlier complaining about how others play.

I just opened up the thread and saw your post and it stuck out.

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Yes, I have left recently I think, when I loaded into the lobby as a lamp post. Not always about the pred when people leave…. So get over yourselves people

Depends on who the pred is, yes

Which ones are the good ones so I know who to look out for.

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The ones that jump a lot and are fun to play or the super op/exploit builds where two clips and a grenade does nothing to an already very green pred.

I was more wondering like gamertags

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Usually bad at remembering names. More like when I see the name, I remember the pred was fun and Ggs after.

The lack of will to play you falls under the category of ‘how people play’, from my viewpoint. It’s with reguards to phg, and what people do on the game. Which qualifies you for whingeing over it.

Trolling and memes, mostly. That’s how it was about a year ago, and then all of a sudden it went to this sort of garbage. We’ve been waiting ever since for the funny to come back.

No, you dumbass, I accused you of complaining about what people do while playing phg (in your case, backing out of the lobbies). Just because I didn’t personalise a post for all 3 of you dumbasses doesn’t mean I was accusing you of participating in their particular bollocks, it just means I couldn’t be arsed writing two seperate posts telling you darn kids to shut the fuck up and get a life.


all he knows his hypocrisy and racism, a master at both.