Why the hell is 90% of the PS community so scared to play me?

Literally Every single lobby I get into with any somewhat known PS community players someone backs out now.
Like is there some kind of fucking conspiracy to make me die of old age queuing up Predator matches until I only play against 3 potatoes and a damn Bot?
If I could be assed to list all the names of these idiots I’d be here for almost as long as queuing up a Predator match.
Erros333, Helga Bear, Dicegame, Voodoo1stLady, drossochre, and people who I literally don’t even know, are only to name a few.
Its not my fault that I actually know how to aim with a controller and that you all just assume anyone who can use Bow properly is hacking because all you can do is play Dutch 87, Support and Dante and spam grenades and mash knife. The funny part is, I can play like an absolute idiot all game and miss most of my shots, and you will STILL LOSE and call me a hacker lmfao.
I can’t even hack on console, let alone with my shitty Base PS4 that crashes literally every 5-10 minutes, and my broke asf PS4 controller with stick drift harder than Johnny Sins’ morning wood.
I’d honestly rather get my ass kicked for an hour straight by real PC Hackers like Aston (not a dig) or by beasts like CraFTS-maN, Gesp & Samhain than queue, and requeue on PS for 40 minutes just to kill 3 Comms or Assault Deadlys and a Bot in max 3 mins 30 sec.
At least fix matchmaking so I can play Vs PC players and don’t have to resort to buying a PC or changing my fuckin PSN username again so these idiots don’t back out of the lobby as soon as they recognise me every time like its their religion or something lmao

Anyways, rant over and done with, my special present on Friday the 13th for absolutely everyone to enjoy, and make sure to imagine the veins popping in my head and steam coming out of my ears and my eyes out on stalks whilst typing and ‘raging’ this as a certain choice adjective some use to describe me, and eat some popcorn while you’re at it. Happy Hunting, Happy Slashing.

(And for you fuckers who are gonna say ‘why do you still play this game?’, I wonder the same thing myself ’



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You just named like 60% of the people who still play this


This should be a sign that you should drop this pos and play better more populated ones.

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We also miss you bro) in the evening I can gather a squad and we can play a private match again.🤗

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i would assume it’s at a point now with the game that the people that play it even if they are good aren’t looking for challenging games anymore they’ve been there done that they jsut want to roll over some braindead predators and laugh and as predator players they want to do the same to ft potatoes



also, fuck you maax <3

Bro that honestly sounds like heaven at this point Hahaha
I’ll happily play, just unsure when I’ll be able to get on to play you atm. I’ll keep you posted anyhow :)

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There’s enough players to make 90%?

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I’ve gotten you in pubs and backed out only because I know I’d get my ass kicked. It’s nothing personal, I just know my skill level. I only play now to dick around and troll potatoes. I ran into Helga and her Dante squad tonight and I backed out of that too, so don’t feel bad lol. I just want to play casually, not sweat.

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Okay, I’ll be waiting for you 😉

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You’ve backed out on me before?

Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssstardddddddddd lol 😂

I don’t blame you tbh but yeah. They are simple, all they can do is shoot impact grenades and throw them. I literally tested it and Helga genuinely just kept reloading and missing her impact grenades while I was right in front of her and very shootable with Hammerhead rounds🥴
You just have to stay mobile till they run out of grenades and then if you’re aim is off just use Plasma lol.
If you’re lucky they’ll conveniently blue screen as soon as their 3rd Field Medic is on the floor🤪

But yeah frankly whenever I get one good player in a team of potatoes who I’m friendly with, I tend to just kill the potatoes, let then get rein, then kill the potatoes again, and then 1v1 the last good guy. Had one with @PlayStation_sniper not too long ago. He’ll tell ya. The Top G dealt me about 5000 damage haha on the Airstrip.

I’d rather just play people than just queue up for 40 odd minutes just to kill 3 potatoes and a Bot in like 2 mins. Frankly its getting ridiculous now.

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Looking forward to it as always bro👍

Can’t wait to get my ass handed to me by the PC Gods on my peasant PS4 🤣🤣

Unless someone else on PS who has you added joins my lobby on my PS5 later and then invites you 🤔

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You cry about this alot. You ever think it’s more cause of your shit personality more than anything?
You put up a facade of the forums but you dont sound like someone fun to play with or hang out at all.

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I don’t talk to these people I just kill them.

I mean if you wanna have a dig at my personality I really do not care. I am who I am. Make whatever assumptions you want.

I also directly ask these people why they leave my lobbies and they call me a hacker so its kind of obvious what the reason is.

Not a dig at your personality.
Theres ppl that will play against ppl who will beat them.
But not the case with you.
And I’m going off what multiple ppl have said about you, from different groups.
So it’s not 1 or 2 ppl or lil circles.

I just dont get why you bitch about it so much.
They dont wanna play you?
Well that’s too bad.

Have you tried moving on to more popular game and acting all billy bad ass there?

I know you said you suck at other games but how bout working past that?
Dont matter the game. Choose a game you find fun that’s more popular and bust your ass off in there and reach a top spot.

And if you need incentive, it’s more than what the top players on here are capable of, so youd be better than them.

I’m not joking or being sarcastic.
Do it.
Let nothing hold you back. Especially not this game.

Lmao I keep seeing people repeat this myth of “you can’t hack on console” as if it’s fact. Have I not taught this forum fucking anything yet? For how long did this forum claim that cheats in the game didn’t exist and nobody is cheating? People who made claims of such got made fun of, and one of these dumbasses even made a meme site called www.dankhacksforpredatorhuntinggrounds.com to further make fun of the claimants. Then I put that theory to rest and showed that people can have been cheating since the start of the game. Just because you haven’t seen it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. None of you have ever seen a million dollars before, but it’s out there. There’s such thing in the world of online game cheating known as ‘closet cheating’ where you cheat without being obvious. This is especially easy when using aimbots and ESP, since those can be hidden quite easily, even while streaming ffs. And even when something seems off, guys like @Prozi_Judge and @Samhain13 can continuously hide behind “I’m just good at aiming and detecting the pred”. Ya ok.

Is it much easier to hack on PC vs console? Yes it is because PC will accept unsigned code while console will not. But therein lies the answer: unsigned code. PC will accept it, thereby enabling us to have full control over a client and use it to manipulate even serversided values. Console will not. So what do we do? Make the console THINK that unsigned code is signed. How do we do that? Through exploiting vulnerabilities in the system. There has been TREMENDOUS progress made on this front in the last 4 months for the PS5, let alone the PS4 that is over a decade old at this point. The older a system is, the easier it is to hack because the more vulnerabilities have been discovered and shared, many of which are unpatchable.

Read and learn, children:

The fact that you guys are so fucking uneducated on the subject is exactly why prozi, samhain, and the rest of these cucks are able to continue under the guise of ‘being good’. Lmao please. Prozi especially, as much as I’d love to claim Sam as the biggest hacker of them all since I hate everything he stands for with his phony channel deceiving noobs, but prozi and his russian mooshka meeshka speaking ballerinas are the biggest of the bunch. I’ve played against them without them even knowing it was me, and when they realize they’re in trouble and enable their aimbots, it’s so damn fucking obvious it’s not even funny. They hit crazier shots than even I do, and that’s only because I dial it back a notch to prolong the match and have me some fun. These guys will go full send and disallow you from even getting close to them by hitting every single shot in midair. You won’t even be able to escape without going into 2nd wind or be downed. I know exactly what it takes to do that, because I do it myself. And there’s a reason why they all run SAWZ, because with an aimbot it’s simply the most effective weapon against the pred, bar none.

And not to bash on you, @Anonymous.Voorhees13, but claiming you’re playing on a base PS4 that crashes every 5-10 minutes with a broken PS4 controller means jackshit. It’s talk, that’s all it is, and doesn’t actually prove anything. And the fact that you’re on a PS4 would boast the theory that you could be hacking rather than detract from it, considering that system is completely jailbroken at this point lmao. Futhermore, nobody can say whether or not you’re on PS4/PS5, and whether or not you’re using a modded controller or a cronus zen to play with mouse/keyboard. Even little Samantha claims he plays with a piece of shit mouse from 1995 or some shit like that, yet I see him animation cancelling like a mother in his videos, which is an indication of likely having a modern-day gaming mouse with thumb-buttons, DPI adjustment, and the full 9 yards. “No bro, I’m not just good, I’m SUPER good. Because not only do I play well, but I do it while playing on the most broken down unfavorable equipment ever, yet I’m able to overcome. Praise me, worship me, lick my asshole, and don’t forget to subscribe!” Literally every ‘good’ player in every multiplayer game ever makes that claim. “And I’m playing on a potato PC too” hahahaha shut the fuck up.