Fak yu bitsh!
Why the hell is 90% of the PS community so scared to play me?
Nerds tend to get a bit stabby when you call them nerds, just sayin’.
I’m not giving an opinion lol
I’m telling to shut up because I’m melonist against talking cantaloupes
gently tugs on plastic gold star
He’s a science nerd too
This man can give you Palpatitis
Fak yu coont!
They can stab me all they want, they can’t be uncalled a nerd.
Again, who the fuck asked for your opinion?
I didn’t say anything other than FAK YU MADDERFAKKER BISH
plastic gold star is quite loose now
Yu Fak me?!?!
Yu no Fak me!
I Fak yu!
I Fak yu long time!!!
that’s right buddy
Keep thrusting
stab stab stab
Dear God.
It’s a Painis gun.
You no Fak a me, me Fak a you.
wrenches plastic gold star off of Rey’s…body part?
Oh I know, but word to the wise: The ones who don’t stab build death rays.
Dear god.
the fact you need google it hurts my brain