Why the hell is 90% of the PS community so scared to play me?

Just easy to hack. They’re not good at your standard AAA game because those have actual security that they can’t bypass and use their ESP and aimbots in 😂

Animation cancels requires fast fingers and perfect timing.
How do you compare that to ft’s abusing over powered loadouts like Fm + tracker combos?

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They require a macro and that’s it. Press one button (usually mouse side button, middle button, etc), and the rest gets automated. Right and left click with 0.1ms interval, 100% consistency (never any fuck-ups) because it’s a computer and perfect, and add in aimbot, or aimbot with smoothing (if streaming), and you’re golden

You can do without macros, but there’s gonna be some failed attempts along the way obviously.

Usually it’ll be a swap but without the second shot being fired.

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Of course. That’s why they use a macro and never fuck up, but to you they’ll say “they’re just good, fast, have epic skills, fuck 5 VS models they met on tinder per day”. Are you able to prove that they’re lying? No? Ok, I guess we’ll just give them the benefit of the doubt then. Afterall, only honest, kind-hearted people play PHG 😂

I honestly don’t know. When it comes to cheating you’re the go to guy apparently. You’re the Woodward and Bernstein of the illfonic forums.

A little whistleblower


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You can easily do it on console

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I know, I’ve covered that. It’s even easier with a controller due to the amount of mappable buttons at your fingertips. But you can use a modded controller, keyboard/mouse with cronus zen, etc on console like @PlayStation_sniper does. All while crying about others using exploits against him, and even crying about legit shit like FM-use. “OnLy I cAn UsE tHat StUfF gUyZzZz!”

Is it easier on a controller or can you just not figure it out. I taught someone in 5 minutes so even if it harder on PC it still is super easy to do. You press one button…. Shit takes no effort

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Actually most people that play this game can’t press the keys in that sequence fast enough to do it.


The only thing thats easier on MK is the aiming part which is purely on the mouse, everything else is way easier on controller.


Really, news to me

why do you think people accuse anymore that can change between weapons fast on this game of having to resort to macros ? because they can’t do it themselves, while even on ps people with controllers can do it by practicing with fast clicking.


You still play? Everytime I see you online you’re playing something else. You know, the thing everyone here should actually be doing.


Well I’m not talking about weapon swapping. I’m talking about spam firing with animation cancels. I don’t know why anyone would complain about keybinds that let you swap weapons without using the wheel. It’s literally in the game…

Which is why I don’t know why Samantha keeps falling back to that. I can run around and press ONE button on my mouse, and it will press right-click (which will also engage my aimbot) and left click near simulataneously all for me. No animation, instant perfectly aimed shot. You don’t even have time to react because you never saw it coming

I mean, ill hop on every once in a while if I’m really bored just to get a kick out of making people cry, but once the game crashes I do something else

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Are you talking about quick shots? Like where you don’t see the Aim Down Sights?

Ya. You can do it with your fingers as well, but you’re going to be a lot slower and a lot less consistent than a computer is, causing you to come out of cloak and wristblade swipe, which can be death against the right squad. This is how you see these guys running around someone and spamming the caster at the ground without ever fucking up. Program a macro to one of your mouse buttons and test it for yourself if you don’t already use these. It’s going outside of the game’s design and cheating, but you will be like “holy fuck, this makes a BIG difference”. So easy, so consistent. Throw in an aimbot that will engage when the macro presses the right mouse button for you, and it all gets automated in one. Aiming, aimbot engagement, fire. All in one press, no animation, instant, perfectly aimed. Bing, bong, boom.

The only quick shots I take are 50mg of trenbolone.