Because they are just as guilty of the sins committed in the society of corrupt European unions as Russia is. Russia is befallen by the fucked up nature that are the influenza and Corona viruses as any other country and they need to collaborate their infrastructure with other nations to develop everything that is possible to stop viruses they need to be inline with every other scientific institution. Influenza (the study of pendemics) and other animal based influenzas are attributed to this fiasco.
Much like the atomic bomb, every nation wants a bit of knowledge. Except why so secretive russia? Why ? Because they want intelligent sovereignty from a free government nation. Much like China is.
This befuds me but it makes sense for them.
The African Swine Flu happened in 2018 and people just said "what are you talking about? its no big deal’. WRONG.
It has everything to do with the Corona virus. Why?
Because of this flu, pigs exhibited problems in which deemed them non-product compliant. Meaning their physiological issues made it a problem as a product to feed humans.
Discolourations in meat- blue and purple, and the fact that livestock exhibit real stress when they are sick.
China, Russia and Africa all played their part in destroying like a 1/3 of their swine products. Thats a lot of meat folks. 1/3 or even a 1/4 is a shit ton of livestock. ASF has and will be a topic of complete monitoring and prevention in the next 3-5 years in every country. Its not a matter of “if but when”.
IT may not have affected humans, but on the contrary the livestock could infect other live stock and in effect most importantly ran through Swine live stock like a real virus would. That being said, if they could have prevented this it would have and will require more adequate living pens.
This has driven up costs(and its not unrelated to the costs you’ve seen in inflation). This whole cherade is the entire 2018-2023 fiasco that has caused the war. SCIENCE and our NEED to humanly raise livestock. WHAT WE PUT IN OUR BODIES is what i mean, is it what we raise on farm lands across the world. If it mutates to COVID20 proportions we may see an important issue that the viruses that we let go undetected could possible KILL US in the long wrong.
Folks, this is no clown joke. no pepe talk. This has been the halo on my mind for the last 5 years. I wonder if it has been on any of yours?
The engineers got it right. They made a ship with a hammer on one end and a canon on the other on a ship to signify that what they bring is DEATH. Only a dying society would ever create such a ship. We as humans would never let that happen!
Now on the subject of humans? well the entire nature of the science behind such preventions and tactics are the same sciences behind nano cosmic economies of viral contaminants.The scienctific community are changing the way farms produce. It may drive up costs, well i guess thats an economic problem. but nations are also now trying to adopt alternative fuels. I guess its just a matter of time before things equilibriate.
Does this paint a clearer picture? @Sgt.CellTech yo mofo!
That is all.