Why your games are not holding audience attention.

You’re competing with Dead By Daylight sorry but that’s just a fact.

  1. No rank mode. Ranks don’t matter all in its self… What matters is the progression the player feels like they are getting with ranks and rank resets. People like to see numbers increase its just a simple trick to keep people engaged. You need ranks!

  2. Constant updates because not only are you competing with Dead by Daylight you’re competing with other free to play multiplayer games which always seem to have a update every few weeks. Well the good ones do.

  3. You assume the bad guy in your games are the only thing people want to play. WRONG DUH this should be obvious but its not for some reason. But guess you can’t play tag without runners and hiders. Give love to both sides and not just one. If you think people don’t want to play the boring side THEN SPICE UP THE BORING SIDE SO PEOPLE WANT TO PLAY IT!!! OMG THAT"S SO OBVIOUS AS Fck. But yet I never see it happen in your games.
    Again Ill bring up dead by daylight they have just as many survivors as they have killers… Again its obvious.

  4. Advertising every single time you have a content update. Reach out to streamers to stream the new content weekly or monthly content. You know combine 3 and 4 = win.

  5. DLC Idea’s FREE I give this free. Make a new map make it a city map FIGURE IT OUT now once you have your city map. Make 5 new Fireteam members. Civilians, gang bangers, mobster Cop and FBI or special forces whatever. Also new outfits you can call them the city slickers outfit bundle.
    Add new outfits to every single Fireteam member. DO NOT TRY TO ADD DANNY GLOVER!! Just make new characters.
    Finally once you’re done giving fireteam and a new map some love make another predator.
    Oh ya advertise it!!

There you go you’re welcome.


although it’s highly unlikely illfonic will read this, you are right in every aspect

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If Illfonic actually was a real game development company and had the money, the staffing, and most importantly the shit to give about their games, they would try harder in every aspect. But they have none of those. Its pretty impossible to compete with DBD, because no company can do what they’re doing and have been doing for years. Every new asym that comes out is heralded as the DBD Killer, but within like two weeks its audience drops and hardly anyone touches it anymore except the very dedicated few in its fan base. PHG is an odd duck, in the sense that its a horribly balanced, glitchy mess, but it continues to hold an impressive audience five years after its release. There’s new players every day, and old players continue to return to it. Illfonic, to their credit, did something special with PHG, and I think that’s a big reason why they sought to revive it with the big October update and the current gen upgrades. But to shame Illfonic in the same breath, their level of care is extremely minimal, simply because SINCE October they’ve done nothing to actually improve the game, in fact they keep breaking it with each update. You have valid points and wants for the game, but sadly none of them fit in its current state. To do a lot of what you’re asking they would need to completely overhaul many of the mechanics, something I feel they either cannot or will not do. It would be easier to make a PHG 2, starting from scratch and using current technology to incorporate things like city maps and all the little things that would need to be in place for such a thing, like background events like cars and planes, npcs on the streets, a wall climbing mechanic, etc.

I dunno, something is wrong with Illfonic’s thought process, either by their own accord or restrictions from an outside source. Because yeah, it shouldn’t be this hard to make cosplay FT equivalents to their cosplay Preds, to make better balance changes, to add some kind of ranking mechanic, and for sure more maps, even if its just more jungle maps, I could come up with tons of ideas using the assets that are already made, as I’m sure many in the community could as well. Making community map, mission, weapons and armor suggestions a thing would help them a lot. But, again, there is such a degree of separation between them and their community that such things will never come to fruition.


This game is not competing with DBD lol what?

Anyway this is yet another pointless thread

Just let the game go quietly into the night

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This was very weak, except for maybe advertising suggestion

People do not stay for a variety of reasons like towards the games release they’re are extremely fragile individuals that leave for the most minuscule and bizarre reasons but most do not respect the company or phg as a product, there are also those who take every problem as literal intention on illfonics behalf and think some things like projectiles not appearing on the map was a hand crafted change, it’s a melting pot of bullshit much like the US where many do not know where to place their frustrations, sometimes mixed with those who quietly leave and don’t say anything, those that hyper exaggerate small issues whilst ignoring larger ones, as well as those who also just don’t understand the game at all. With all this in mind, now you can bring in the actual fuck ups of the company, the insane amount of overlooked bugs, poorly conceptualized mechanic and functionality, and balance issues that plague the game state.

This game actually hits every checkmark for a fucked up game set course into an iceberg everyone else sees coming, it’s actually crazy that it somehow is able to slip through every channels fingers in hopes for everyone else to even begin to understand the full dynamic of Illfonic as a company and even better yet this game.







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I sincerely want to understand how they pass things down to eachother for company workflow

Illfonic sitting on a gold mine with PHG will never not baffle me, a ranked mode (Hardcore Hunt) being added would influence players to actually compete with one another and cause increase attention and traction to the game. Not to mention overhauling and fixing day 1 bugs would increase the lifespan tenfold.

Yes it is and I’m not going to argue with you about it if you can’t see that. The fact is every game that has a 1 vs 4 type of game with a monster vs humans or killer vs survivor are all competing with DBD. What you going to act like every Hero Shooter like Marvel Rivals isn’t competing with Overwatch? Ya okay… BTW don’t answer that it was rhetorical.



All games are in competition with each other

So why don’t you stop beating around my bush and SPIT THAT SHIT OUT MAN!!