You’re competing with Dead By Daylight sorry but that’s just a fact.
No rank mode. Ranks don’t matter all in its self… What matters is the progression the player feels like they are getting with ranks and rank resets. People like to see numbers increase its just a simple trick to keep people engaged. You need ranks!
Constant updates because not only are you competing with Dead by Daylight you’re competing with other free to play multiplayer games which always seem to have a update every few weeks. Well the good ones do.
You assume the bad guy in your games are the only thing people want to play. WRONG DUH this should be obvious but its not for some reason. But guess you can’t play tag without runners and hiders. Give love to both sides and not just one. If you think people don’t want to play the boring side THEN SPICE UP THE BORING SIDE SO PEOPLE WANT TO PLAY IT!!! OMG THAT"S SO OBVIOUS AS Fck. But yet I never see it happen in your games.
Again Ill bring up dead by daylight they have just as many survivors as they have killers… Again its obvious. -
Advertising every single time you have a content update. Reach out to streamers to stream the new content weekly or monthly content. You know combine 3 and 4 = win.
DLC Idea’s FREE I give this free. Make a new map make it a city map FIGURE IT OUT now once you have your city map. Make 5 new Fireteam members. Civilians, gang bangers, mobster Cop and FBI or special forces whatever. Also new outfits you can call them the city slickers outfit bundle.
Add new outfits to every single Fireteam member. DO NOT TRY TO ADD DANNY GLOVER!! Just make new characters.
Finally once you’re done giving fireteam and a new map some love make another predator.
Oh ya advertise it!!
There you go you’re welcome.