Wolf Predator

Why until today We don’t have the Wolf Predator from AVP 2 in PHG ?.

It is without a doubt the best equipped predator of all.
And one of the Most Experienced.

They have a Whip that is used as a Weapon, a Hand Gun, a Double Plasma Cannon, uses shurikens, has Short and Long Wrist Blades, a Spear of their own, has their own Roar and their own Predator Mask, have their own Medical kit.

It is Complete !.


Can some one translate the glyphs on his mask or is that all the marks from his hunts?


We don’t have him, Mr. Black, and Scar. Don’t worry we need the Viking and Samurai first.


Medeival Pred first!!

Movie Preds are great and all but for crying out loud what is wrong with something completely new?!


We will get all the movie Predators eventually it’s just going to take some time


Your joking right?

Because Alien vs Predator and the Predator franchise are two different intellectual properties OP. It’s like asking why there’s not an xenomorph queen in this game yet. You answered your own question. You haven’t seen Wolf from AvP because this isn’t AvP. (hint: avp2010 didnt have city hunter skins I wonder why)

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No this


That’s cool but the warlord will cleave that weakling in two

Ha! I roll a 10 sided dice and got a high roll doing 20 damage to your warlord, utterly destroying your warlord 🤓

I hope you’re serious

I imagine we will see them eventually…if not maybe a future (better) predator game will.

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Like I said it going to take some time for us to get all the movie Predators

Wolfs roar is already in game files… so who knows! Mayby in 5 or 10 years we will get to play as him ;-)

Where are you getting that info from?

The dbl caster is just something he whipped up on earth when he pourrd that blue shit in the Predator. So he added the dbl caster

You mean 5-10 years time scale? Its obvious, they don’t seem to be in a big rush ;-)

Wolf’s roar being in the files, haven’t heard that before

Game is now using 5 roar samples, but in pak file theres like 10 or 13 of them - one of them is 100% wolf, I know this because it was used in one of the officila trailers :

check 1:28


Side note @Noktrum you can set pre set the time on a YouTube video (so you don’t need skin through the video) by adding ?t=time in seconds