Wonder why the 4th guy left here is why!

New to the game here is what you as you enter the game!

  1. Mud up
  2. stick together
  3. Don’t kill pigs
  4. Don’t go afk
  5. turn you mic to push to talk

I have starting to lave games as some matches become a joke. I am not a top player but do enjoy when I can the few few times get on a team that understand what this game is about!
Now let me break this don’t

  1. Mud up! As fast as you can so the predator don’t get a jump on fire team and use target isolation to find our starting point!

  2. Stick together! Don’t go playing Lone Ranger, help each other out and be one of the team. Even a little space can result in a loss of a team mate!

  3. Don’t kill pigs! Just don’t, your only helping the predator with two things, he can see on the map where it is killed and can come there to heal up any time he needs. So lets not make it easier for him.

  4. Don’t go AFK! Yes some times it happens but I will lave the game if you do. Like 4 vs 1 rather than 3 vs 1 as Berserkers are tanky like hell as it is!

  5. Turn you mice to push to talk! Or turn it off. Darn my ears are hurting hearing you and your girl friend talking BS and blasting so loud I can even listen for Predator making sounds. You got you mic boosted? 90% of you are distorted that you sound like Darth Vader on crack! I know I can turn of the sound from players, but some of you are nice and like to hear what you say!

I know some going to say I rage quit laving for this. NO I am not just don’t want to waste my time in a match that is already going to wrong way.

And there is a lot of cool players out there I have meet thank you for the fun and look forward to more fun to come! Stay safe and sharp!


Nice tips!

#1 is a myth though. The Predator is in the match for about 10 seconds before the FT. The clock starts about 4 seconds after the FT gain control of their characters. If Predator uses Target Isolation immediately when the clock starts, you will show up on their scan every time because it takes FT a few seconds to mud up.

Mudding up and staying muddied up will prevent future scans though.


Thanks! Nice to know this! :-) @Draedark

Why would you force mice to push to talk? I don’t think mice should be treated that way.


If you can kill a pig with a knife do it ALONG THE WAY, dont chase pigs!!! (not in-game or in real life).
You don’t get XP for shooting pigs! You get XP for knifing them. Which doesnt make it right though.:|

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You don’t want to give the pred its location on his map regardless of the minor xp you get from it.

Actually its not a myth. I’ve had a few matches where I scan and get no one. Because it counts any amount of mud on you, so when you start mudding, you are immune to the scan.

Interesting, perhaps it was lag or something then?

I can say I have never had this happen as Predator. How many times do you think you have seen this?

Only twice I think. However, in all my fireteam matches, I only think I’ve seen everyone mud up without walking for a few seconds twice soooo

If fire team mud up right away! It will be before target isolation can be used. As you noticed as soon you load in as a Predator the skill is on a cool down!

Maybe not but the sensitivity is to much, don’t like feeling I am on a Porn hub talk line hearing heavy breeding. Or on a AMSR channel lol

It is on cooldown but the FT has not even dropped yet. The match starts roughly 14 seconds after the Predator drops. I am sure this is subject to lag though.

My guess would be that maybe this was before 1.06 when Predator would have been able to use target isolation before the FT even dropped?

I would love to test this with anyone who has time. I would say have FT equip any perks they can for mudding up, drop in, look down, hold F.

I am on PC EGS: Draedark.

I am also doing another test later assuming @Jaysus is still available, we can test this also.

ya u bet let me know

#micelivesmatter I stand against mice abuse!!

I am corrected, #1 is true for at least some spawn points.

@Jaysus and I found one in Backwater where the FT can immediately look down and mud up after coming out of the chopper.

He did not show up on my Target Isolation scan I did as soon as it was available to me as Predator.

On another spawn in Overgrowth, the FT had to take 1-2 steps forward to be able to mud up. They then showed up on the Predator’s Target Isolation scan for about 1 second.

So safe to say there may be a spawn point or two where if the entire FT can mud up immediately, and I mean immediately, they would avoid the first Target Isolation scan or maybe be such a quick blip the Predator might miss it.

Very good info!

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I thought you had just enough time if you mudded right away. Seems to work for me. Is it maybe different on ps4? Me and my friends mud up asap and 9 times out of 10 the pred doesn’t find us for a couple of minutes at least.

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Then you scanned too late. The clocks starts though right as Fireteam gets control not four seconds after. So it’s possible if you are more than a couple seconds late to scan then they will already be mudded.

I think you might be getting some lag then. Nearly all of my matches as FT I have that 4 second window before the timer starts.

Oh no that is a miscommunication then. I thought what was meant it was starting four seconds before the Fireteam landed.

I realized this awile ago and thought it was so badass of me then I also thought it was messed up fuh the FT lmfoaoaooa