I mean that makes it pretty unique huh?

I’m still confused what da stats are

1450 health
10% more melee damage
Zerk stam and energy
Movement speed is significantly faster than Zerk, possibly as fast as Wolf/Exiled. He is very fast.
11 second overload cooldown.

No bullet resist


High health, high melee, super fast but burns stamina. No bullet resist is BS, he’s wearing bulletproof armor and a flapjacket, come on.

Any word on any passive nerfs or buffs?


Haven’t noticed anything

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Honestly I though he had inbuilt Impenetrable for his class. However I’m totally okay with him being a upgraded Berserker.

Prefer tracker over the concept predator

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Either or would satisfy me🤷🏻

Well lucky for you 😖 I hate this predator I thought the idea from shame black was dumb and was glad it was cut from the movie even tho it still sucked

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True? The mask, the desing, is a trash, wolf, berserker and this

Honestly for me, it’s another Wolf just less egregious albeit still pretty bad. Technical issues aside beyond the majority of the armor he doesn’t look a damn thing like the Emissary or its figure by Neca. The re-usage of the default head, Super Predator texture, Cleo’s gun, and JH’s wrist blade just screams to me they had to get the thing out the door and didn’t want to bother with making the character on model. It only tells me that either Illfonic or Neca didn’t care and since he didn’t physically appear in the movie they felt they could get away with it. But then if it’s not the Emissary what’s the point? They didn’t even bother to give him new dreadlocks like the two had on the film suit or the figure.

And frankly the name makes no sense. He’s not some envoy, it’s just a Predator in a new outfit. Emissary of what? At best “emissary from Hell” but you’re really stretching it at that point.

I can’t even say the new backstory is better either. He’s just a modern version of every Illfonic OC. It’s just all too pedestrian for this mile of text that is his in-game bio.

…….see that right there, that hurt my soul because it was 10x better then what we originally got -3-

I respect that Japanese Spider-Man reference.


Lol wait what?

Wut we originally got as far as the movie?


No no I’m saying that the Emissaries Story line (that had two Predators working for a Human Secret organization of hunting down hybrids and targets along with helping Fugitive take down the Assassin Predator, these guys were meant to be bad bloods but good I guess) was way different then what we got and had a far better and harder storyline.

should have a voice line that says “Fucking Slayer!” and horn the wristblades up

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I feel like I’m missing something with that, but regardless does sound cool!

camo = dress code of every Slayer fan out there. there’s countless memes for that

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