Working on a real predator helmet

So far the pred helmet will be made of titanium alloy. Roughly 20lbs of metal at 19 bucks a pound.
-Inferred thermals for the eyes. Same tech used in rifle scopes.
-Wireless bluetooth remote to turn thermal on and of… attached to the wristblade
Real wrist blades s30v
Aluminum alloy wrist gauntlents

Things I have done… bought the metal for the helmet and working on the cast mold


You should video the process

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I would think that would lead to a fairly thick mask.


!!! That’s badasssss

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Thermal scope will cost you a goddam fortune! Check this out, this can be adopted for your helmet

There are few diffrent ons on market right now. All you will need is a smartfone and a set of vr goggles for smartphones. Obviously there will be some work required for it to fit the mask, but you get my point

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Be very FUCKING carefull with that - I’ve done this before (retractible) and I have the scar to remind me of what a STUPID idea that was…


Why alloy for material? Epoxy resin is equally strong but 10 times lighter? What design are you going with?

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My own design. But it goint to be real titanium.


Figured everyones tired of people trying to get praise from predator vids. Im tired of making them. Its gonna cost me 12k to make it. Appraisers saw my drawing and said if goes to auction
… the padding on the inside is customizable for any headsize. Patents are pending. This could take 12months to make. Im trying to get in touch to get a rights from 20th century for authenticity and yah… my plan is to make these for everyone… were going to have 15 models to start ranging from plastic polymer to the expensive stuff. Working on licensing.
Low end… no thermal just mask… high end is fully customizable with your drawing. Right now we have all the tools… just waiting.
I see a small market for this… but were trying to use the same tech in the fire helments were creating… they can withstand up to 1200 for 5min with avg temp of 102. Were onto some cool stuff


Kickstarter might help?

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I dont need investors… they alwaays want a percentage


I don’t think that’s how Kickstarter works. Consumers pay you directly (now) for a product in the future.

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Or you can be like this guy and make one out of cardboard…

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20pounds…and that’s just the metal…and it’s custom designed to fit my head and be worn…

20pounds though…like on my head?

Nope these thermal scopes were looking into have 20x zoom and cost 650 per eye… if we buy 20

Know yor metal… titanium helmet would roughly weigh 4.5 lbs with the gadgets. The tech is far more expensive. There was a lot of help getting other people involved… the first prototype is more than likely going to be similar to ancient pred. Were almost done with cast design. Below is why its so expensive to do
On a generic helmet the mask stoped all small arms and pt blank ak47 round
More information reguarding how we do this…

  1. We create the blueprint
  2. We have engineers create the cast
  3. They pour the titanium in
  4. We then paint the mask and smooth out the edges. The mask is air brushed with a thick coat of clear coat.
    Then we install the tech
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oh shit…

but for consumer… its like 1400 bucks just for the tech and no lenses

fuck that XD

try this insted :