Worst gaming develop team i've ever seen.

Mate it’s their machine that isn’t running correctly , it’s through no fault of yours or anybody else’s that it isn’t oiled properly, they make the bugs and we report them

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This dude spitting facts

My guess on the game mode selection aswell, would be that they know they cant get even a group of 8 to run correctly never mind 15 (3vs12). They are sub par at their job at best

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This is a book example of “rzucić się z motyką na słońce” - basically means that some one is trying to accomplish something that outgrows his abilities… in this case by a lot

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No truer saying, this game is in flames with bugs and they are trying to put them out with water pistols

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I swaer F13 did not had that many issues and balance problems…

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For the people saying every game has bugs and teething problems, look at the bug reports! Scroll through and tell me one other game with this many bugs? Name one? Another game mode would break this game for sure if it’s over 8 players.You would have been shit canned from your job if this was your performance and we are told to be patient? I was optimistic long enough, I played through the bugs long enough but now? It’s just full on embarrassing the state of this game

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Yup… I will probablly stick around, play a match or two each week, but I’m not going to spend most of my free time with this title any more - lost my hope after this patch


Weird to read it, how are you enjoying broken game XD

This is i call blindfolded support.
No matter what is going on with game you just enjoy lol.


Comparing with other games, other games has no such a tons, tons and tons of gameplay breaking bugs. That’s the point

The titanic was a better steered ship than illfonic


That is exactly means they do not give a HUGE F about mine, yours and others players opinion lol

I’m actually surprised how many ppl on this forum are like that after yesterdays update - this FT buff and Pred nerf was a spit to the face, yet many still defend Illfonic…


I wonder why do they defend them. It’s illogical at all surcumstances

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Maybe they still have some hope left and don’t won’t for anyone to destroy their bubble… or maybe they’re paid bots XDDDDD

Laughs in siege. Seriously theres a game breaking bug every season at this point. Returning one tii. We had invisibility come back 3 times, and the deyployable shield in your head glitch twice. Other games do have this problem.

Siege is a joke when it comes to balancing

It pretty much seems to me we are never going to get anything really all that interesting added to this game. Other than a new predator here or there all they give is just here have some new shaders and that’s about it. Not really surprised at this point though.

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There’s the Airstrip map with snow weather conditions coming in the “Holiday” update, I’m semi excited for that.

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I’m glad there are things ppl are excited for but for me it’s gonna take a lot more than a new map every now and then and some new shaders to get me to return to this game on a regular basis.