Wrist blade buff idea

In the first Predator film there’s a scene where the Predator appears to heat his wrist blade up with some sort of laser. Would be cool to have that laser as a gadget. Would be used to apply short term damage buff to wrist blade, usable 5 times per match.


When you have wristblades equipped you should be able to press LT for a heavy attack and LT+RT for parry/block


How about we just make the bullshit garbage tracking actually work 🤷‍♀️

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That would come in the same “make wrist blades great again” patch

Bravo sir

Wristblades can already weave strikes with any ranged weapons for ultra-lethality. Save heavy attacks for the dedicated melee options.

I’m taking about when you have them equipped

Could be a charged button heavy instead. But yeah I asked about the heated blades idea a while back. Would be nice.

rather have no tracking… the facts are ft can knife where the crosshairs are and not use stamina… pred uses stamina and does minimal dmg.

Illfonic doesnt understand that even before FT buffs… most the pred mains are PC and the metrics they use are not correct.