WTF is a Karen (male and female)

Definition of the The Karen explained:
I’m a Karen.
I got my job through

  1. grovelling and criticizing your company
  2. stating that i’m with children and with debts and with physiological hardships and sufferring from disease.
  3. Being completely and utterly dependant on the income of my employer no matter how unfair and low paying yet feel the need to critisize and conspire with the accounting department that everyones pay is unfair…then make everyone who gets hired feel they are a bunch of entitled mellenials.
  4. make myself appear like a CEO to everyone when the CEO is not around.
  5. I’m Obese
  6. I have diebetes
  7. I’m a white person
  8. I have children…or
  9. I have pets, any pats of all sorts of shit that make people puke.
  10. I feel the need to conspire.
  11. Do not look like a leader
  12. Pretend to look and feel defenseless
  13. Need the support of bleeding hearts
  14. am a psycho path
  15. am suicidal.
  16. Have separated parents.
  17. Have a mortgage because I feel entitled to earn more to pay it off.

have you say mofo! Are you like a Karen?

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Yep…the world is full of Karens. Thats why we joined Dutch’s field team. To kill some other shit including time.

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I feel like I’m the complete polar opposite lol.

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In these times? There are probably Karen’s in the jungle aswell

Well what the fucck are they doing down there? Being Terrorists?

Being karens

suit up mofo! Time to get some!

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Karen is a tribe in Thailand, which originally came from Burma (Myanmar)