WTF is with these Yautja Sandles!

WTF is this bullshit illfonic Kill this fucking game because of the Yautja sandles! WTF is this shit!?

Here is the PHG new look at the beach:

Let me die or explode with dignity~! Remove these stupid beach bum galactic sandles immediately!!
Take a look at the film Predators that came out in 2010 and see what well designed feet garment look like! Give us real shoes for the next DLC!

BTW i’m getting these ridiculously quick Predator wait times like 1:30min.


No one told you? These are for the upcoming free beach DLC. Pina Coladas and coconuts restore health, and the pred makes pork kebabs out of boars.





In certain parts of the world…we call them flip-flops!

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Are you boyz having any issues finding full games?

Yeah, i just had 2 FT in all the match.

Mexicans call them ‘chanclas’ 😆

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In italiano si chiama " infradito " which means between toes

Lecerta Venandi sei tu?

What about Predator Jesus? Can he still wear sandles. James Cameron plays as him sometimes. He has miracle heal, Jesus disc launcher which fires little wafer discs, he can raise dead AI and let them attack the FT again and is only vulnerable to pointy hats and spear attacks that hit him in the side.

Jesus Predator cannot be parried.

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??? No. Io sono William 🍺🍺

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