(Xbox) ‘Predkour Master’ Achievement is broken

‘Predkour Master’ Achievement broken on Xbox. I’ve been stuck at 34% for three days after 30+ games.

Please advise.

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This achievement progress stopped working with the latest hotfix. Tested with my friend using several of the fastest predators for most the matches with and without the perks Ascender and Branch Master.

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Day 4 - Still not working

Day 6 - still not working

Bro, they’re not going to fix it like right this second. Or ever. Day four, day six, day 12, day 34, doesn’t matter. Stop pushing for a fix, its not coming.

It’s coming, I have faith. They’ve acknowledged me and I have no reason not to trust them.


Who are you to tell people not to push for a fix, just because you don’t care?

I was told the same by another toxic community member that the Early Bird achievement would “never” get fixed and it literally did the next day.


Mission Accomplished achievement has also stopped tracking on Xbox, stuck at 52% for me.

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Four year player. 1046 consecutive hours. Been involved in every social area of the community. And very, very well versed in the history and practices of Illfonic and their developers and social managers. That’s who I am.

Also @YautjaSymbiote isn’t toxic. He’s just special.


Tell me you don’t know what consecutive means, without actually telling me…

I’m not letting your self-inflated sense of importance prevent me or others from interacting with Illfonic and pushing for fixes. Frankly, if what you say is true, you should be a much better example for others. For shame.


Day 7 no fix…

Have you contacted them via e-mail?

you’ll learn to believe us. in time

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I’ve never played as Predator. I was going to finish Fireteam and then swap over, so all my achievement progress for Predator is a perfect 0. Just payed a match running around the trees and nothing. So at this point, I can confirm that achievements are not reset, but in fact, broken.

Something helpful, rather than useless, snarky comments.


learn to play predator before coming on here and acting like you know everything about this game and company

Thank you for that information! @Doom maybe that information will help with the investigation.

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This is the last time I am replying to you, so let me make this clear: You are a nobody to me, and I don’t respect or care what you have to say about anything. Go and look for attention you desperately crave elsewhere. Please.


why don’t you come play me in game? i’d love to prove to you my knowledge of this company, and how your mouth is a bit too big for your head

Love how these new accounts come in and think they know more shit about this game and Illfonic compared to those of us who’ve been around since the beta.

i didn’t play beta (i got the game in 2021) but having access to jungle hunter automatically makes me an og 😎