Yall mean 'Prey-dator'

I was so so so excited for this game, like many of us. A chance to fulfill my desire to be a predator for under 60$? Finally! I just wish I had looked into the game before buying it…because oh god it is utter trash. I’m not sure where the thought to make it simple for 4 human beings to defeat the Predator WITH MELEE came from, but I must have missed that part of the lore somewhere in the midst of the predator nearly being unkillable. I get that nor everyone wants to be a predator and that is very okay with me, but I just feel like you have to try way too hard as the predator. I know you can have the perfect setup with the combi stick and berserker, but what if I like…want to play any other way? Why do players get reinforced with all their gear? Are we rewarding them for being foolish and dying? How do these regular humans see an alien being that’s in stealth camouflage? How are they able to mark me in my camo? Why do I sound like a trex when I’m running through the jungle? I’m struggling to figure out the focus in this game lol. I am complaining heavy, yes, but that’s because I k ow this game can be SO MUCH BETTER. I had to delete it, guys. It was just such a sour experience. I hope in the future illfonic makes some changes to make it seem more sensible than it is right now. The first day on the game I was blinded by the idea that I could even be this intergalactic killing machine, but now I see I’m better at killing pigs than people! ( and sometimes the pigs dont even die lol) illfonic, please save your game


If you want to be a Predator you don’t need $60, you can just buy a $8 pizza and visit a kid’s home, watch out for Chris Hansen though.


In every Pred movie they die

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Well thinking Beserker is the strongest class might be where you’re going wrong.

Also the Predator gets killed in every movie, not sure how that makes it almost unkillable.

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Which is a shame. I’d love to see him kill all humans in at least one film.

They missed a chance with Predators, could have made all the humans bad people.

Would need a human protagonist, a Predator protecting a human kid/teen could be fun.

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*nearly unkillable lol.

Nearly? They all seem very killable

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Maybe you missed this scene, or the whole movie…

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