There are moments where I can draw the bow back to maximum draw, and there’s other times where it would just shoot without any drawback. Even though, what I meant to do was charge the bow back for another charged shot. Logged in today and noticed the predator queues were 1:37 for a lobby. And I can definitely understand why after playing one game. Um, illfonic can you please fix, so I can go back to having fun playing your game?


I don’t know why PS4 is much more bugged than Pc. After the 2.09 Hotfix bow is charging for me again on Pc.

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for Pc is beyond buggy even more than ps4. I cant charge bow shots and some times even I charge for like 1 second and release the button to shoot it doesnt shoot. Not to mention the wrist blade bug.

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And no claim can’t eat pigs bug.
For Christ’s sakes the bugs are getting bugs at this point!

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