Yautja’s Bane 2.02

That’s mathematically incorrect. 4 Fireteam members each have bane independently.

1 x 110% damage + 3 x 100% damage = 102.5 % average damage

2 x 110% damage + 2 x 100% damage = 105% average damage

3 x 110% damage + 1 x 100% damage = 107.5 % average damage

4 x 110% damage = 110% average damage

You have to factor that each person in a 4 player squad only contributes 25% of total damage.


Possibly bugged? Possible miscommunication?

Yeah, seem that way.

Its weird that these days I am playing the math professor in this forum…must be having some wierd shit happening in my subconscious

Anywho, actually adding the 10% bane bonus across the 4 FT still gives 10% overall, not 40%

BUT it is still significant because it’s % based:
so lets say 300 dmg from a single FT with bane becomes 330;
Multiplied by 4 is 1320 dmg (which is 10%, not 40%, more than 1200, the total without bane)
As you can see that means that the final product is increased by 120 dmg compared to the non bane total (1320 vs 1200)
Which is more substantial in absolute terms (obviously) than an increase of only 30 damage when comparing the single FT damage with bane VS the single without bane (330 vs 300)

And that can definitely make a big difference between second wind or not

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It also says dexterous increased in perk points, but it’s still 3.

Oh beat me to it. GGs

@OldKingHamlet @Courier
We shouldn’t need to guess what this value is.
Can you please just us know the actual values of these perks?


right and quite literally in your example that’s the difference in second wind or not which is where i’m coming from
we also don’t have to assume each person does 25% damage equally but their own individual damage output

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Oh wonderful. How do this even get trough testing.

True. Bane is significant enough to catch predators off guard when they push to close to the limit or think they can tank shots while going for a quick claim.

10 percent is a big damage buff. And I’m curious as to why he’d be dead by the way lol. The only scenario he loses that fight is net gun, or spear throw into melee. So miss your spear or even land it but don’t close in quick enough you’re winded. Again you don’t appreciate what AK with bane does. 3 seconds flat. You gotta kill him in 3 seconds flat or you’re winded

he is assuming the predator never stops jumping/leaping and the FT member has low aim sensitivity so he can’t possibly track the predator

i’m not joking this is what he says to me when i used to tell him how absurd FT damage output on some guns were

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True. I was just considering a maximum DPS situation where everybody has the same gun with 100 percent accuracy and shooting in unison.

If its a big increase for 6 points its debatable but that is not the point. They said they increased the damage bonus.

Here, do this. leap behind him and elder sword. 3 seconds flat with someone just sitting there doing nothing. This is pointless really, I’ve seen a lot of pro’s getting melted in a 1v1 scenario. I’ve seen people playing both sides (there was a topic around here) where they said they would kick their own asses in a 1v1 scenario.

I guess haha. Like trust me one on one the predator has the tools, it’s just a matter of using them all perfectly. Land your spear throw (which was SHADOW NERFED BTW) then leap slam I guess and he should be downed. Just hope he has no team mate close at all to punish you while in animation

No. something as simple as leaping behind him and using the elder sword is enough to kill anyone. You’re not going to parry trough that one. Pulling the AK out is out of the question.

more than likely they did increase the damage output of bane that it wasn’t a lie note if you go up a bit

Pros??? PROS😂😂 There’s no ranked there no pro league anyone claiming to be a pro is just ignorant. Also it doesn’t need to be 3 consecutive seconds my dude. 3 seconds combined time shooting you. So leap around all you want I’m sure I can get 3 seconds of time shooting you.

Dude, I’ve seen Yuppers play pro russian premades. Just stop. Anyone losing a 1v1 as predator does it because the FT outskilled him masively.

actually this the “Pro league” bans perks on the FT for no reason it’s the only reason my squad was unwilling to join as it’s unrepresentative of the live game environment

and the closest thing we have to pros in this game is any FPS ex or real professional that decided to play this shit game but only on FT