Thanks man!! Well its not so bad…
Yautja’s Bane 2.02
Better than before, and your almost completely dark blue when Muddy.
That’s so true. Ha. Must not be fun on the receiving end.
Is there friendly fire in this game?
No, but you can’t shoot through your teammates, so they can block a lot of damage for the predator.
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Not even with grenades?
I just got a verbal licking on how useless I am as FT for shooting grenades at the predator when he was healing from SW and a teammate was knifing him.
Pred died but my team mate was ok… 🤷
I don’t think so. Throw a cooked grenade at a random and see if they lose health.
Those freaking barrels are stupidly damaging though. That’s the closest thing to friendly fire in this game.
Yea I know about the barrels