Year Two Wishlist


Night variants for all maps

Rain, thunder and lightning

HDR support, higher resolution and 60fps for PS4 pro

New maps set in the desert and snow

New AI enemies equipped with Predator tech, rocket launchers


Scout Rifle

Gauss cannon (essentially a shotgun)

Spear gun

Different arrow types like explosive, poison and tracker

Disc launcher

Variants for all melee weapons

Dual wristblades

Wrist mounted burner

Unique stealth kills from trophy weapons

New armor sets

Deeper customization like scars, eye color, mandibles, roars etc

More mimicry voice lines like shit happens, fucking voodoo magic, what the hell are you and laughter

Make audio decoys sticky


New outfits

Deeper customization

More guest characters

Weapon mods like laser sights, speed mags and foregrips

New weapons like desert eagle, mp5k, machete, katana, throwable hatchet/knives, burst fire pistol, M110 DMR, M60 LMG, M79 GL, G36C, 552 commando, G3, Mac 10, AKSU, claymores, WP grenades, flamethrower, crossbow and sawn off shotgun


It hurts knowing all the predator ranged weapons will be wrist launcher tier because pred is balanced for 1v1 damage.

If a combistick throw to the head isn’t allowed to kill a player then I can’t imagine how awful any kind of rifle or a flamethrower would be. Oh no the predator is shooting me with paintball tickle damage because illfonic’s balance philosophy demands I have a 5 second heads up before I go down.

I’m sure all the new stuff for FT would be meta borderline gamebreaking like hammerhead though.


Paintballs hurt


About as much as wrist launcher

All this sounds awesome but after aprils 1 yr update i feel this game will then be forgotten by illfonic and it will die by summer.

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You could very well be right

I don’t see a third year of content and we will be very lucky to get content throughout the rest of this year

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This…this would make everyones day …including mine!

From a reccent leak, i think NIGHT is something we can look forward to and also…BEARD customization.


um nunchucks included?

Of course

Crack their skull like and egg and see what’s on their mind



Personally would also like to see this game come over to Xbox as well just to have it on all platforms to have more people for ques.

Would like to see more maps.

Deeper customization.

More movie predators.

3v8 or 3v12 Predator team hunt mode.

More ranged weapons.

Better optimization for better quality running game.

Exploits fixed.

A.I. Rework for more complex A.I. like other games have.


My personal wishlist:

More Class exclusive Roars/Sound effects. For example, give Jungle Hunter more sound effects based from the first movie like how City Hunter does with his Med-Kit/Roars. Yea sure some other roars have been heard when Mask is taken off, but we need more of those roars.

Plainly colored Armor Shaders. I like stuff like Nova as much as the next guy, but I would have preferred a solid Blue Armor Shader to go with Marine Mask Shader more because other than that, only Playstation Deluxe Armor Shader goes with Marine. No to mention, people would want stuff like Black armor, or Yellow armor, or even other colors like shown with the options we already have, but the addiontal patterns mostly get in the way since most Mask Shaders are plainly colored without the patterns with exceptions.

Alpha Predator Combi-Stick Skin based off NECA toy.

More Movie Character or even Extended Universe Masks, such as Ahab or Lord.

Change Net-Gun and Smart-Disc to become Gear Items while still keeping their Customization options. This would be a greatly appreciated buff that in turn would excuse a lot of the massive power a Fireteam Member can have. Predator can just have those additional tools on hand along with having those Main Weapon Slots opened up for other weapons.

More Fireteam Customization Options in general.


My wish list Predator dogs and Predator dogs…

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In retrospect, Smart-Disc can stay a Weapon, this shit is already A Tier now.

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Yep and I just got wrecked by someone who was using the smart disc in the open airfield. That dude is a beast, a god. I only manage to get a little over 1k damage on him but he made my randoms rage quit by only using the smart disc

I just want more maps and making the predators tools great a again lol

Also it be cool to have wrist blades as projectiles like in predators or avp

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Wait, that legit might have been me. Was it a Greenish Jungle Hunter?

I can’t remember but I do remember his class and he was playing as the Elder

Oh, but seriously, Smart Disc is actually good now.

Actually Predators in general are actually good now tbh.

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