Yes! Solution to Guarded to Perfection Trophy Bug!

Finally! Someone discovered a workaround for the bugged Guarded to Perfection trophy. This solution was posted on PSNProfiles by brunosilva225.

  1. Start a private match, Classic Hunt with No Bots. A fireteam member must be the host, not the Predator player.
  2. Once the match starts, it is advisable that the Predator player not move at all. The Fireteam member travels to where the Predator spawned.
  3. The Predator player must press Options and select Leave Match. Confirm. The Predator character will sit down and become invisible once the player controlling it has left the match.
  4. The fireteam member kills the invisible Predator, then guards the body until it is extracted. The Guarded to Perfection trophy should unlock after the match.

If the trophy does not unlock at first, repeat the extraction process until you are certain you have 25 body extractions. My three friends with the bugged trophy all had the trophy unlock on their first attempt using brunosilva225’s method.

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