You all laughed...look who’s laughing now

Inb4 the op is the actual game dev disguised as a person to get us hyped xD


What the hell is this? Is this even real? Kind of fun/cool not gonna lie.

Animation is way too clean to be reddit’s doing i’m suspicious


I’d like to apologize apparently someone used a dance animation rig with the jungle hunter skin for this video. It wasn’t me but its still cool to see.

I’d like to apologize apparently someone used a dance animation rig with the jungle hunter skin for this video. This wasn’t my doing I’m sorry I should have know before spreading false info however its still cool.




Like @Finessology said, too good to be a modder.

Oh boy…

Just so you know your link in the first post…broken

this is like the third and last post PLEASE READ THE OTHER ONES!

Bro how am I gonna figure that out I don’t read the forums everyday

Some guy made the video. It inst in the game, yet

This has to be a prank. I don’t want to see some Fortnite shit happening to this game, and as funny as it is this doesn’t belong in the game.

yea the dude that posted this said he made the animation

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Praise the Lord, I’ll sleep better now. I wouldn’t put it past Illfonic though, they haven’t exactly been handling things too good so far.

This is now my favorite video of all time.


Long time ago in a galaxy far far away before NOKIAs it used to mean “Away From Keyboard”

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Uhh…Where did I say that? I never made the animation believe me or not