Post your rank here and if you rank up then just edit your post. And post how many wins are left until you rank up.
Your Predator Rank
Baby Predator.
I’m gonna brown
You’ll never be a baby pred lmao , Elder right out of the gate
I just made blown up pred lol
Omg that’s it , next one mentions door dies horrible death
Don’t make me forum spam cast you
Yes sir champion LOL
I should have known it was you lol
Larry would not stand for this lmao
Well if we’re being factual here, he’s not doing much standing at all.
If we are being factual …… never mind you can’t handle the truth lol
And second if anyone here can’t handle the truth it’s you mr. “I’m so humble while also calling myself the CHAMP without earning it”.
Actually for the facts
- Two other people I won’t name started calling me champ
- I broke the dam door and I ain’t fixing it
- I killed Larry and didn’t even keep his skull because he wasn’t worthy .
Lmao take that
Idc what your fan club deludes themselves into thinking.
I fucking knew it! You owe me rent money! Also the community hates you now because they won’t fix shit until the door you broke is fixed.
You don’t even know who Larry is! However if you did kill him then that absolves me of any blame but the blame for @Forever_Mello stays because he did nothing like always.
Omg lmao my ribs hurt …… well played Rey , it seems your sass knows no bounds …. Omg lmao this was so worth it lmao