Future Patch Ideas (Work-In-Progress)

Add the annoying predator bug (PC) with the bow, where it randomly starts shooting offset to the right, seems to correct itself though, possibly after a weapon change.

Oh and the one on fireteam where you can’t defuse the bomb, the hexagon appears when pressing F but the minigame doesnt start.

Quick claim is used and abused by predators and would need to not only be lengthened to 2 seconds but also interrupted by melee before any thoughts can be given to changing how reinforce works


FIX MATCH MAKING. last words were: couldnt… parry…

The possibility to cancel claims would be a great idea ! Just like in F13, we could free others players from Jason’s grip by hitting him. That way it would reduce the need of the reinforcement.


Ammo spawn rate should stay at its current state theres already waay to much ammo on site and bags carry 4 restocks per bag x2 and potentially by 4 members.

Syringe if its going to weigh less needs to have a drawback because opens a vital point for perks. It speed heals 100 points, more than enough most times used to heal FT member to full if not near full health with it. Then potentially three times, along with med kits having full heal, multiple times potentially carried by 4 members. The speed heal reduced or less heal points then. Could addressed along side the med pack to even out their uses.

Quick claims before they are changed should be debugged first. The are very unresponsive at times, and sometimes things like stairs mess them up. Before its tweaked they need to work right in the first place.

The honorable kill rating should be rated by damage taken by what weapon, that could encourage less caster spams, slam spams, stuff like that.

Weapon loads outs could have a class restriction. Or weapons could have weight and classes can carry more or less. Sort by power and type. Just ideas.

Spotting needs a cool down, the red outline specifically.

Boars are plentiful and could be lessened.

Everyone’s hud and text can be cleaned up, reorganized and text clean ups.

All controls both sides need debug and QOL checks.

I like this post from the other thread and I think it would be good to expand on what you were saying here


I have updated the hopefully notes at the top, thank you Dragnar for keeping me posted

I am going to brainstorm with some people on your suggestions and see what we can come up with

I agree with everything except for the ammo drops being increased and boars spawns decreasing. They need to fix how boars spawns and maybe have a max 3-4 per game. Now for melee interrupting quick claim i strongly disagree and i disagree with increasing the time. Reason being the moment you are up against a well coordinated FT you won’t get any kills then. A short claim will equal death for pred every time. Now, again besides those points everything else you brought up are great points that need some fixing.

Why make the quick claim longer? Then it’s no longer “Quick Claim.” Plus what do you mean a quick claim is not an honorable kill? Technically the FT member is already dead so it was an honorable kill. The quick claim is fine. It helps Scout to be able to get in and get out. So, punishing a Predator player for not standing there for the FT to just shoot him/her. Also, most definitely don’t make it less points for doing that either. That’s just a salty player wanting the Predator to stand still for them if you ask me.

I agree with the points here. Not the last sentence of being salty but yeah if you screw with quick claim thats literally a death sentence for any scout predator player. Scout would become completely unplayable against a good FT.

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Again, if you lengthen it it’s no longer a Quick Claim lol
Also, if you stick with your team you could stop the Predator from swooping down and claiming anyone anyway. Obviously you just want the Predator to be weak, slow and unable to be a trophy hunter. You want the Predator to stand still, be able to be interrupted while he/she does anything and make the FT undying super humans. There is a lot of balancing issues on both sides that need to get fixed but the quick claim is the dumbest one I’ve heard so far.

The salty part was me just being irritated by people calling players who do quick claims as being cheap and being “unhonorable”. Like what do the expect? Every Predator to long claim every kill while the FT shreds them? That argument literally makes no sense to me but I apologize for calling people “salty”

been playing since launch and been 100 from Sunday afternoon, 2 days after release. all of the weekly/daily “Quest’s” or “Mission’s” are true, its an AMAZING idea, cause when my mates and i play we just run around collecting Currency. we dont care about the mission, we wont those knifes and knifes skins. and to have daily missions like ( play 5 games with successful Exfils or play 3 games and kill the predator ) either way its going to keep me playing cause im the type of guy that always looks and finds a goal to do. my goal was to have 100k Vs and thats done now. so know if this daily/weekly missions are true then i can spend all my moneys and get 200 field lockers lmao.

and everything else is amazing too so cant wait to see if this comes out soon, PS maybe a new Tab in the menu to see your stats such as ( how many predator kills/ how many Exfils/ how much time have you played as the predator/fireteam) ect thanks for reading lads


Quick claims are in a good spot, need bug and QOL fixing but thats it , they’re worth less and work to the goal of reducing numbers.

You can be shot to shit in seconds, if your team is good, they’ll put so much lead into them if he tries to do it in front of anyone.

The only you could nerf it by a second or two is if the Predator can be cloaked or not able to be marked or silent while doing it. Even then, thats not a better solution to the original which works very well.

You rip a head usually take good damage.

Changing it calls for buffs, nerfs to animation or mechanic changes that dont need to happen or would cause more problems.

That’s why they’re worth less points.

Upgrade pred perks some of em at least for example modified reserve and adrenal boost.

I can see those, but if we upgrade any of the damage resistance or damage buffs then we have to do that for the fireteam as well.

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I really like those ideas, I will send them over to be added

No worries, we are all passionate here, but as long as we are respectful to each other then we should be good.

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Our current concerns are that berserkers are just jumping in, doing the quick claim (instant death vs the health you have while downed), and leaping out. I haven’t seen hunters or scouts doing this as much, but with the overbearing presence of berserkers, this forces the team to reinforce, which forces the predator to keep doing this; it becomes a vicious cycle.

Updated with stats suggestion and Nvidia drivers/supports

Working on a solution to the quick claim / reinforcement issues that is fair for both sides

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