⭐The Second Winning Skull
From our Community Forum bellow
1st Suggested Sunday Chibi Event!
(We got a new Editing Program, so we kept this one simple till we figured it out)
⭐ What Do you Guys Think of this One?
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0 voters
THANK YOU TO @Durbs2001 For this dripping Suggestion!
DURBS - if you want to help create the story behind the CuttleBone. Let us know!
We will be messaging you anyways, to get your approval of the story before post.
(Course after 5:00PM EST, Work first)
Fun fact:
They have a singular thin fragile bone called the Cuttle Bone.
Helping them stay buoyant.
It’s also used by humans to make jewelry and more.
Using the carved bone as a casting for them.

Course the Cuttle Chibi will appear in the Chibi Page for Easier Access.
⭐The Skull ROOM
Clicking the Title will take you to the Page.
So far, we are working to fill up each level with Skulls.
They’ll all have stories, (unless one isn’t provided).
The Background is still being worked on.
It’s very important to us.
Since it will be a main feature of the Clans Representation of Strength.
The rooms will be stacked.
Like a Tower.
This will be the top.
So we will progress downwards as we go with each level hopefully being a bit different.
We are gonna try and give each skull it’s own pedestal or resting Place.
Just like the Cuttlefishes Preserve dome.
We are working on our signature Clan Page.
It is all fan made and for the fun of it all.
Hopefully adding some more depth to our tales.
Freedom for you guys to create some stories/ fights/ wars.
And maybe some surprised for our Concepts.
We will post the link when we feel it is ready for public eye.
There is the Clan’s Mark.
Made from the Blood of their ultimate Prey.
Blood that hardens like armor and looks like gold.
So, to give you guys your next leak.
(Just an Image, but yes there will be something to listen to on release)
I’m telling you guys we are really nervous on this one.
Some risks are being taken, but hopefully they pay off.

That’s it for now, Clumsy Yautja is out!