2v6 mode is here

One thing to note that @weebykiwi and I found out is that if both preds have the same retrievable weapons in their load out they can pick up each others weapons.

For example on the match on derailed when everyone went to the large blue building in the center, both our combisticks were still back at the river camp. I was able to pick one up and chuck it to the top of the building where weeby was able to pick it up, I then went and collected the other. I can see this adding a lot of strategy and teamwork between both preds should this become an actual mode in the future.


That is soooooo sick!

Yay…Frisbee smart discs with ft in the middle!


Careful with that frisbee though as friendly fire is on and both preds can hurt each other.


Danger Frisbee sounds really fun now

Really, really high stakes disc golf


they nerfed lawn darts…

Time to buff the frisbee xD

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Can’t wait to try and play it with my buddies

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like @DisturbedLlama mentioned, anything that doesn’t really suit your playstyle, it can be changed.

Thats the beauty of it :)

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Great job guys. When are you going to release the DLC?


It’s been already released! Lolz xD

Just have to make your own for the time being!



Yolo 😂

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The gamechat was terrifying… Felt so lonely even with 5 more ppl on my team xD

Yeah. The threat of the second pred makes it pretty scary. Very nice effect. A bit of chaos for the FT.

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We could hear people right as they died for some reason. Lol. Even in party chat. It was pretty funny

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It can be played for points. 1 pt for FT kill, 3 pts for pred kill. Once a pred gets killed and respawns as FT, he can kill another FT to become pred again (1 pt). If he gets killed, it’s 1pt for the FT team and so on. The FT team has to decline to become pred too. It’s a bit bothersome. Maybe there are other options

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yea for some reason, it seems like the game mode thinks you are going in and out of party chat when you die.

Maybe the game assumes you are out of the match?

I had the censor square on my screen quite a bit while i was streaming cause PS is silly.

@OldKingHamlet could this be something to look into?

Just when you die in clash, does it not presume you are in the game anymore and pushes you to party chat?

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only challenge is the pred choice seems to be random.

Again, this is the first ever mod patch installment, can only hope we can be able to tweak things on a deeper level eventually :)

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and LOL

Slice slice, (random OMGGG) xD

I know it’s random, but there’s an option accept or pass it up, right? The FT just has to pass it up so the one who plays pred gets it.

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there we go :)

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