2v6 PS4 tournament

What’s up guys? Seeing as this game has gotten stale for a lot of us, I’d like to start a new tournament at the start of next month to celebrate the game turning 1 year old. April 3rd is the date I’m looking at. Why not the actual 1 year anniversary? Well I’m assuming they will drop content that day or close to it and I don’t want to have rebalance and test each new item before starting lol.

SO that being said, I’ve tested everything in the 2v6 mode, and I’ll share the information with you guys so you can decide if you’d be interested in joining. First and foremost, all you need to join is yourself, or a team of two(you and your predator teammate.) As the purpose of this tournament is to see who is the best predator duo, not the best squad of 6. Predator duos will be matched up with eachother to form teams of 6 to face off against teams of 2 Predators, and everyone will be rotated through.

Something to note, spotting is turned off, so spotting gear for both predators and FT is not recommend. It’s turned off because if not you’ll be spotting your own team members on accident and helping the other team. Also, weapons I don’t recommend

  1. The bow. It won’t damage Members of the FT that are technically on “your team”
  2. Combi throw (for the same reason as the bow)
    I’m mentioning these two because I know some people refuse to play without them, and if that’s the case, go ahead and just pass on this tournament until this bug is fixed.
    Also notable is bear traps won’t work with friendly fire on either. So your traps won’t work on half of the team.

If you’d like to join, let me know here! And if you have any more questions about what weapons work/don’t work and the rules, ask me here as well!
No perks, weapons, or items are banned for this tournament. Just spotting gear and bow are not recommend due to the nature of the friendly fire mechanic.

Now for fun let’s see who the best Predator Duo on our forums is 👍🏼


Let’s gooo


I will pencil it into my diary mate 🧐 , no idea who the hell i could pair with

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We’ll get you set up homie

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Well that’s not a bug. Just an undesirable interaction.

I think you know what I meant lol why is this what you gained from this topic

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sad PC noises

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Y’all should just have your own tournament 🥊


tenor (1)

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😂😂 fair enough

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Will you guys be streaming the Tournament for others to watch?

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I’ve never really streamed. But we have members of our community that do, who are more than welcome to participate and stream


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It would be helpful to be able to practice a bit beforehand? Which is tricky with it being custom matches ? You know , run drills and see what works . How soon beforehand are the duos paired up?

As soon as we have everyone who’s interested. So I’d say hopefully by one week


Goody gum drops

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Considered both preds are on different teams, how will you decide who wins?

Its maybe changed, so correct me if I’m wrong , but it was each fireteam member had 3 lifes , preds had one . No individual pred wins but both

If a fireteam member kills another fireteam (grenade from the cliff cough cough) , does that count as one of their lives?

When the FT members are dead, the predators win. If the predators die, they lose.