⭐Thanks to this winning skull from the poll

1st Suggested Sunday Chibi Event!
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0 voters
⭐Suggested by @BadBlood
This was a fun one.
And we learned allot of the Wild West.
Including how deadly it was to be a cowboy.
Poisoned by snakes, eaten by coyotes,
dying because you didn’t spend that extra minute washing your hands.
But it was still a pretty badass job.
We didn’t have any public assets this time.
They’ll be at - CHIBI PAGE
New Trophy
Read Story here
Sirens blaring.
The red lights flashing against the inner side of the ship.
Sitting in his seat.
Yeyin Thwei, swiping his hand along the controls.
He glanced to the ship just beside his own.
Before it split paths.
Taking off into the stars.
Yeyin’s Attention returned to the nearing Planet.
Resembling earth.
The ship jerked upon entering its atmosphere.
Fire bellowing out from the damaged siding.
Pieces of the ship tearing free.
Whipping back into the blue sky, while the ship plummets.
Yeyin still sitting in his chair.
Clicking with annoyance.
He lightly tapped his fingers along two buttons.
Watching as clouds whipped past his ships body.
He saw nothing but flat land and dirt.
Aside from a few speckled structures out ahead.
Again, his ship jerked.
Off went another piece of the ship.
Yeyin glanced back.
Seeing the backside of his ship open.
Parts flying free, and equipment being sucked out.
Yet he remained in his seat.
“look a shootin’ star”!
A tiny hand pointed, following the path of the blazing ball.
The brunette giggled.
Nudging her brother.
Who, glancing up.
Watching as well.
As the ship trembled violently!
Yeyin rested his hand on the arm rest.
Letting out one last sigh before,
Small eyes wide.
“Lets be goin’ n checkin it out”!
Grinned the girl.
Yet as she slipped off the wooden fence.
A woman voice called out!
The boy looking to the smoke blowing over the hillside.
He stared, but jolted at the feeling of a tug.
“Hey come on, mom’s callin’”!
And so he too jumped down off the fence.
But green eyes never leaving the site.
The two would scurry away.
The girl smiling as she climbed under the next fence.
Rushing passed some men and through a flock of chickens.
Their clucking and screeching startling the cows nearby.
Which cause the old man to holler at the kids.
Leaving the boy to glance back through the mess of feathers.
The boy would follow after his sister.
Catching up with the younger sibling once on their porch.
The startled mother grasping at her chest and huffing.
“And, where have you two been”?!
Reaching down to scoop up the girl.
“You know you can’t be out after dark”?
“We were just batting eyes at the stars comin out an-”
The boy didn’t get a chance to finish.
As his mother interrupted!
“Well that’s enough batting eyes”!
The mother looking down at her sons long face.
Once inside.
She set down her second born.
Watching the girl freely run around the house.
Then facing her son.
She huffed, and shook her head.
Brushing back his brown hair.
“I’m sorry”.
“If things could be different.
I - well I can’t loose you or Callie.
Jack … you understand”?
And seeing her son nod.
The mother smiled.
Kissing him on the cheek.
Closing the door gently.
Jack, the son of a single mother.
Stared out the window side.
He could still see the smoke.
Looking up at the night sky.
Pressing his finger to the dirtied window.
Dragging it down along the path he saw the star fall from.
Leaving a smudged streak in it’s place.
Rocks crumbled down.
Clicking off the siding of scattered metal.
Sparks flying up now and then.
With the sounds of zapping.
Metal upon metal mangled on itself.
Finally came the sound of panting.
Faint steps in the dirt.
Till a paw came in view.
A snout pressed down close to the large sheet.
But when the sheet moved, the coyote jumped back!
Suddenly up went the sheet of large metal!
Hoisted by Yeyin, huffing and throwing down the scrap.
He clicked low and breathily.
Reaching to his shoulder.
Wincing, as he pulled his palm back in view.
Watching the green smudges between his fingers and palm.
Yet hearing a growl and bark.
Yeyin set his sight on a coyote.
Clicking in response.
The coyote continued to growl.
As Yeyin’s wrist blades ejected from their holster.
5 Years later
Jack looked at the poorly drawn picture of his mother.
But hearing a horrid cough!
His attention was quick to the bed.
Seeing his mother stir and wheeze.
He opened his mouth to speak yet, said nothing.
Instead getting up from the wooden chair.
His green eyes darted to his little sister.
“Im goin’ out for our last round of water, stay here”.
He walked over and grabbed a bucket by the door.
Upon opening the door.
Jack heard steps suddenly rushing up behind him!
Suddenly feeling arms wrap around his waist.
He gave it a moment, before squirming out of his sisters hold.
“I’ll be back I said”.
Water dripped from the grey spout.
Turning the dried mixture of sand and dirt bellow to mud.
The town quieter then its ever been.
The sky a harsh set of oranges and reds.
Jack looked around the corner of a building.
Seeing the patrol.
He waited a bit, watching the three men turn away.
Shuffling across the dirt road.
Holding a pale in his hands.
He walked around to the back of an old building.
Crouching down to the dripping pipe beside it.
Tucking the bucket under the dripping spout.
Then, reaching to pump the handle.
He sniffled.
Brushing the back of his dirtied hand to his face.
Watching the water flow from the spout.
But, hearing the sound of paper fluttering.
He looked up.
Seeing all the notices along the wall beside him.
All of which told tales of bodies being found out in the plains.
Jacks bandaged hands trembled, reaching for the bucket.
Recalling the moment he walked around the backside of the farm.
Seeing the outline of a man hanging from one of their posts.
Blinking, Jack heard water splashing!
Seeing the bucket overflowing.
He quickly turned unlatched the handle.
Grabbing the pale and turning around.
But crashing first into a man!
“What do you think your doin’, boy”?
Grumbled the scruffed up man.
Jack glanced down at the bucket of water in his hands.
Seeing two other coming just around the corner!
He threw the bucket in the mans face!
Hollered the dirtied bearded man.
Jack darted back around the building!
Hearing the calls of the men behind him.
but, seeing the old fence!
He quickly climbed over it.
Falling to the ground bellow and scrambling away.
Yet when he saw the glint of a badge!
Jack halted in his tracks.
Looking up at the sheriff.
He turned to run, but was scooped up by one of the men!
Jack kicked and hollered!
Before biting the man’s neck!
Tossed down hard enough to whack his head off the ground.
Jack looked up to see the man he had bit.
Eye’s wide at the site of gun.
Down to their knees fell the man.
Fingers loosening on the gun till it too hit the dirt.
Jack shielding his face with his arms.
Peaking in horror to see the headless man collapsing onto him!
Jumping down from the roof top!
Yeyin, landed.
Slowly facing the black hat Sheriff.
Taking a step closer.
Until BANG.
A shot fired into Yeyin’s back!
Causing him to roar.
Yeyin turned around and back handed the henchman!
Sending the man flying.
They came crashing back down into the dirt past their partner.
Looking down at his fallen partner!
The second man aimed his gun.
But suddenly didn’t see the Alien!
“where’in the blazes-?
But rubbing their eyes.
Suddenly realized the shifting entity was in front of him!
Yeyin still cloaked, grabbed the mans gun and swung.
Striking back at the man with his own weapon.
It shattered on impact!
Knocking the man down onto the ground.
Yeyin clicked and snorted.
Turning around as he tapped his finger to his wrist pad.
Uncloaking to show himself to the sheriff.
The Black hatted man kicked the body off Jack.
Reaching down and grabbing the boy!
“Finally, been waitin’ for this.
Get up“!
Yanking Jack onto their feet.
”Come on!
You big ugly lizard“!
Wrapping their arm tightly around the Jacks neck.
The sheriff kept the boy close.
While aiming his gun at Yeyin.
Yeyin tilted his head.
His mask scanning them both.
As he took a step closer.
But, was fired at!
Yeyin, took the bullet, grunting.
But clicked in further annoyance!
“That’s right,
you can’t kill me.
Not with the brat huh?!
That’s what I thought!
I aaainn’t dumb“.
Jerking the gun at Yeyin and smirkin.
“Been killin my boys,
Until Jack bit his arm!
Hollered the Sheriff!
Jack pushing free and out of the way!
Which when the Black hat came to his realization.
His sneering turned to horror.
Looking over at Yeyin.
Who un hooked his smart disc.
Throwing it outwards.
But, the disc flew passed Black hat!
And suddenly the man stared at him.
Laughed, and slapped his knee.
“Ha! Is that all yah got”!
The disc came back.
Severing Black hat’s head from his neck.
Yeyin caught his disc with ease.
Along with the sudden flying head of the man before him.
Yeyin looked at the head.
Clicking his mandibles rapidly with amusement!
He holstered his disc before walking over to the body.
Stepping on the severed corpse.
Roaring in success!
And then stopped at the sound of something.
Yeyin looked over.
Seeing the boy.
His head tilted.
Watching as the ooman child stepped closer.
Jack kneeling down to him.
Yeyin stared at the blood along the boys lips and cheek.
Before his yellow eyes darted to the badge suddenly pulled from the corpse.
And, suddenly then put on his own belt.
Yeyin stared at the oddly shaped metal piece.
And, then plucked a boned finger from his own belt.
Holding it out to Jack.
Which the child let fall in his palms.
However when Jack would look back up.
Yeyin had cloaked himself once again.
Leaving the boy standing beside the headless corpse.
Jack looked up at the stars.
Before down at the bones in his palm.
Wiping the back of his hand against his cheek.
He’d smile.
✔Approved by: @Badblood
Format by: Papa_ApplePie
Review & Finale Edits by: Asmodious
Written by: Papa_ApplePie
My team has mentioned pushing one of our Events forward because of the Torunament.
Click Bellow to Check it out if your interested.
For this event.
We are opening up TWO teams to VS each other.
We cannot go into detail.
What we can tell you; the event is on the froums. (And will not be held in game - Sorry)
So if you’d like to take part in this upcoming event.
Place yourself bellow on which team you’d like to be on.
- TEAM 1
- TEAM 2
0 voters
If you guys want to come up with team names for your side.
You can, but it’s not required!
See you soon!
(think that’s if for this one)