an update THAT big obviously is hiding something if only one thing was mentioned in the patch notes. post your findings here. hopefully the eye of ra is now somewhat usable
3.2.1 Shadow changes
and you @YautjaSymbiote
I made @Madisyn_Skye stick it
and this ones for @moralez
and welcome back @Fire
Funny you memtiom making love to a sasquatch as i have been molested by one and raped…i actually made a few videos documenting the experience. Please be curteous as its changed me for life…
Its this! FINALLY some new FT content!!
You heard of the City Hunter rebreather? Well, make way, strange one! Here comes the Yautja Prime Rebreather! This FT-exclusive mask is a an exclusive early preview for the upcoming Yautja Prime expansion, which will take players across the galaxy to the Predator homeworld itself for hunts on their home turf! Not only will this Rebreather help you survive in the planet’s harsh environment, but it’ll help you blend in with the local revelry!
Epic and Steam players will get an EXCLUSIVE Fireteam skin, completely unavailable for console. Introducing SAMHAIN13, the legendary Youtuber, bodybuilder and all-around great guy! Just like his muscle fibers, Samhain is juiced up with maximum stats, including HP and stamina. Samhain is definitely the guy you want leading your interstellar hunt against the Predators!
Samhain comes with three new Perks that are exclusive to him: Eagle Eye (able to spot the Predator through obstacles, even buildings, mountains and trees), Pinpoint (massively improves accuracy to 100% hit rate and removes weapon recoil), and Dead Lift (increases run speed 150%).
Are you ready to take the fight to the Predators on their home turf? Download the new update today, and get in line, soldier!
700 MB is not big
it is for this game
Lmfao that samhain class description
LOL thank you, I did put some effort into this one. And I wanted his perks to be the things he’s been accused of using, wall hacks, aimbot and speedhack specifically.
Its was the eagle eye and the stamina parts that took me out lol mainly cus even tho i havent been one of those to say hes a hacker, i have played him before and noticed those things. Lol sayin to myself damn how the fk this guy see me and im up on a mountain hidden behind a rock crouched and then other times i get far away from them and sam comes outta nowhere and im like this guy never run outta stamina lol.
Anubis Nickname is Zeta I have no idea why
"MaxEnergy": 2100.0,
"EnergyRegenPerSecond": 145.0,
"MaxBeamSwitchDistance": 3950.0,
"PredkourSpeedModifier": 1.25,
"Health": 1350.0,
"Stamina": 22.0,
"StaminaRecoveryRate": 3.1,
"ExhaustionDuration": 2.4,
"DownedHealth": 1200.0,
"MaxPerkPoints": 10,
"SpeedModifier": 1.05,
"MeleeDamageMultiplier": 1.075,
"MeleeAttackStaminaRegenMultiplier": 0.25,
Timestamped stats
I dont really see anything
Raw stats for, they are fucking annoying don’t read into them at face value
"DirectHitDamage": 100.0,
"SplashBaseDamage": 10.0,
"SplashMinimiumDamage": 5.0,
"SplashDamageInnerRadius": 100.0,
"SplashDamageOuterRadius": 150.0,
"SplashDamageFalloff": 1.0,
"SplashBaseFoliageDamage": 200.0,
"InitialSpeed": 15000.0,
"ProjectileGravityScale": 0.5
"ObjectPath": "/Game/Weapon/Definitions/Predator/PlasmaCaster/PlasmaCaster_Projectile.14"
"Properties": {
"SphereRadius": 8.0
"ObjectPath": "/Game/Weapon/Definitions/Predator/PlasmaCaster/PlasmaCaster_Projectile.15"
"Properties": {
"SphereRadius": 7.0
"MinCookSize": 0.45,
"RateOfFire": 65,
"MagazineSize": 4,
"MaxAmmo": 120,
150/mps I’m pretty sure cm per second to meters per second
Bonus, I wanted to mess around
So if I’m reading that right, no changes at all?
no changes, not for these two at least, if jelou has a whole ass install of the last patch he can compare but that would be insane
Yeesh, yeah it would, I wouldn’t ask anyone to do that tbh. Just installed the update now, 731mb, it HAS to have something else added with it not in the patch notes. Is anyone still able to datamine the game? I feel future dlc was packed in this for eventual dripfeed
I can show people how but they would be on their own
I don’t know anyone that would want to fully datamine the game for content scrapping purposes although I’m capable I would personally rather do stuff like unique stats such as simple things as Yautja Bow
"SlowPercent": 25.0,
"EffectLifetime": 3.0
"MaxCookTime": 1.5,
"PostCookHoldTime": 10.0,
"SpawnOffset": 12.0,
"RateOfFire": 60,
"DefaultArrowFallOutTime": 5.0,
"MaxCookTime": 1.5,
"MinChargeScalar": 0.6,
"PinDistance": 750.0,
"PinVelocityScalar": 0.3,
"PathPredictionRadius": 3.0,
"SettlePhysicsDuration": 5.0,
"ProjectileHealth": 50.0,
"bCanBeDamaged": false,
"NetUpdateFrequency": 25.0,
"InitialSpeed": 18000.0,
"SphereRadius": 150.0,
"SwitchingDesirability": 500,
"Time": 0.1,
"Value": 40.0,
"Time": 0.6,
"Value": 59.999996,
"Time": 1.0,
"Value": 90.0,
I have v 2.5 for nostalgic purposes
I have not been keeping versioning past v3