4/28 - We hear your feedback!

I’m pretty sure they ability is still there, I mean I talk to my prey alll the time and they all start freaking out a lil bit 😂😂


The idea of the game is FANTASTIC, but you guys’ execution has been HORRIBLE. If you don’t seriously buff the predator, you’re going to kill the game. Playing as Pred is NOT fun, and is almost impossible to win as. In F13, playing as Jason made you feel powerful, almost all the counselors would run from you. In this game, the marines ACTIVELY SEEK YOU OUT AND DESTROY YOU IN MINUTES. None of the Pred weapons are viable except for the Combistick (that includes plasma caster, because on ps4 it’s damn near impossible to actually charge it up, aim and hit someone without the other 3 members melting your health bar), his health is wiped in SECONDS, and he’s noisy as hell. So he has less health, less healing items, doesn’t hit as hard AND can have all his work wiped out by the fireteam calling reinforcements and respawing everybody. IT’S NOT FUN. FIX IT PLEASE.

Been running scout and killing them at a distance. I run combi and net gun for those people who decide to push, which can change the entire flow of the game!

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Your fireteam must just seriously suck at the game, because the Predator is WEAK and DESPERATELY needs to be buffed. And includes the Berserker class.


Not on ps4 it doesn’t. Unless you get a headshot and good fucking luck with that.

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I use bow regardless, probably the best weapon aside form the combistick


Same, the slow needs increased and sometimes my shots go wwaayyyy off to the side from where I’m aiming when the shot before from the same location fires no problem

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absolutely you are right. there’s liek a certain range where it will actually hit near the xhair but it’s really far. I still manage to use it well though. I usually try to hit a few guys a couple times before I go in with the stick.

Thank you guys I don’t know your company that well but I’m so glad your responding. I didn’t want to give up on this game and I am so happy right now just to see a response. Thank you guys so much.


berserker can do that if you are bad at the game and dont aim well or dont know how to parry. all you have to do is parry him once maybe twice. immediately after parrying he cant move or swing and you just unload on his head and then parry him again lol. its so easy its gross.

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I have a video on twitter where using the bow and disc against crouching targets and both go through their head with zero damage

edit here it is https://twitter.com/un0riginalnam3/status/1254569391339036672?s=19

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yea you need to be substantially further away for some reason and itll hit the xhair. that and the plasma caster hitting walls in front of u are pretty annoying.

Collected 3 OWLF tapes only 1 appeared in my collection. Also had 1 match with no predator.

Career stats and ranking system would be great. Will up the replay value. How many total skulls and point system. Maybe have a trophy case as well


Good idea!

Add me on ps4 if you’re tryna run a private session tonight ! Ihooper2332 do it I have no friends who have it !

I think the game is excellent albeit certainly some issues that need to be ironed out. I bought myself and a friend a copy bc we are both huge predator fans and I believe that you capture so many elements right that make the soul of predator. I’m looking very forward to the future to see how big this game will be, but for a $40 game, its pretty great so far. Thank you.

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the berserker is the only one I feel matches to a really good ft honestly, If they play pred and ft and know all the little tricks the game doesn’t tell you, if you’re playing as pred even if you’re being strategic and picking a team off like in a movie it doesn’t matter because end of the game you can revive the whole team even if you ripped the spine out his back, at least I feel it should be updated that if it’s a long kill those players can’t be revived or something. It’s just too unbalanced with the chance a fire team gets, the pred doesn’t have endless weapons or gadgets he can’t even picked up unused gadgets. The berserker is the only one that can pull of the stuff to win when it gets unfair, the ft when really good at the game jus has so many chances with all the med kits and they can jus come back from the dead no matter how great you picked the team apart and they can do it at the last second of the game when all your resources are depleted, you have to be flawless or hope you’re playing a scrub with the other classes


Dis dude just doesn’t know what game development is, what is the money and how it works on this planet. Funny ^^

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