4 Grimetch pistols vs Viking Challenge

That are some awesome phg game Trailers @Arrow_calis xD

The reason why we love/hate the game lol

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Crash team

If anything they should just have just increased the overall health of FT if they wanted to buff them instead of making it so easy to kill Preddy

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We created loadouts with scout + pistol and invited to group, then queued up for hunt match.
I can’t remember who came up with the idea but it sounded fun, almost like cops & robbers(or “robber” in this case). xD
And indeed it was fun, it was like a challenge, but really sad at the same time to see that you can actually kill a Predator without any bigger problems while only being allowed to use the weakest weapon in the game, also using a silencer on the pistol to make it even weaker than normal.

We agreed to not use our primary weapon during the round.

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Let’s try it 😬

very good, with impose no alternative weapon you’re forced to drastically change your game style…however this does look like fun, it doesn’t simulate a true scenerio. No need to proclaim needs nerf and such because this scene is implausible and people react different when having an alternative weapon. Not to mention you are all bullying the pred at once.

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We should try shotguns next, it’ll be like skeet shooting, but instead of the clay discs it’ll be a Predator leaping, lol.

true, with different weapons selection you can kill the pred even faster

3rd shotgun only


Nah, that pred was just garbage.

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he just stood there on the roof :P

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Granted there is a skill and strategy here from the team. I mean obviously loading in with the sole intention of hunting the Predator isn’t your average game. Still it’s principle that a coordinated fireteam can do this with what amounts to throwing rocks at the Predator. Competent FT players going full tilt, chasing and pushing the pred on “Do damage to Predator” challenge day/week will do this with any loadout without being as coordinated.

New players aren’t going to play pred because of this. Not playing the titular character of a game tends to not bode well for that games survival.

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plus everyone probably has keyboard/mouse, if you were to ask 3 other PS players you’ll probably get less interesting results.

Titular antogonist. Nobody expects to be greeting with a “congratulations you’re the hero” banner.
also you’re correct sayin that everyones mind set is not to do the mission, but to co-ordinate a field attack at closest range and from all angles as possible with the pred, not something expected from a mission based game.

Fair point. I stand corrected

Still the central draw of the series, and the game

I kind of want to try and exfiltrate without anyone in the team dealing a single point of damage to the Predator, might be the hardest one to achieve.


The predator player had mouse and keyboard too. So I guess the scenario will be the same if 4 ps4 players play against a PS4 predator player.

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But I still get the immense reward of doing this, its just that there is no fair strategy with the pred. He is mainly a melee fighter. Long range is so very hard to perfect.–but i’m getting a 10kdpi mouse tomorrow so we will see what that might provide.

yes this is an interesting idea as well, playing stealth with no weapons just knife…completing the mission without letting the pred find you.I wonder if thats doable. Probably not possible unless we have a series of underground trenches.