4 Grimetch pistols vs Viking Challenge

You can use weapons, but not damage the Predator at all. Should be doable if everyone picks fast moving classes, gearhead, syriettes and medkits.

I ran a few matches this weekend literally with the objective to stalk the fireteam and not touch them. There is always gonna be someone not mudded up when Isolation is up. I can tell you against randoms? I could tap them on the shoulder (technically did a few times 😇) and they don’t even know you’re there.
FT that is ALOT harder. I’d love to see that

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Like 99,9% of the Predator we met, this is the avarage level . Unfortunatly Illfonic doesnt care about their community. They think new players buy this game for playing fireteam. Imagine all the new players trying the game as Predator and maybe as Viking!!! Will they keep playing after their first experience? Of course not becaue this game is made to play fireteam only.

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Get the shotguns ready 😎

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Great videos, nice teamwork👍🏼 Absolutely devastating to see the tankiest Predator available taken down so easily by quite possibly the weakest weapon in the entire game. The Grimtech range is insane.

Next challenge, the semi-automatic shotgun😏

Unfortunately, most of them are.

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Viking has same hp than the Berserker , we teseted in private match. Also he is slower and with less stamina. Probabily the worst class has ever been released since day one.

haha i love it!

Do it with grenade launcher next or with that shit shotgun


“it makes us money though bro” - illfonic

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The Christmas whiskeys are on us old chaps 👍🏻
