I’ll have to try that. I only play for a couple hours so yeah if I’m not having fun I’m not playing. I only get tilted when the lag is really bad, I do something stupid or my teammates are a bunch of door knobs.
4 pc hacker ban pls + video evidence
Confirming again, for those that don’t believe it.
There is no difference to your cloaked visibility across graphics settings.
A guy actually took footage of the two extreme’s here
Turning down graphics settings might help a little with some general screen clutter, but it actually does nothing to assist in spotting a cloaked Predator.
That last statement is debatable because the Russian players that deliberately turn their settings down to Low can easily see a Predator from across the map (E.g., Derailed). There are a number of such players on Twitch and YouTube that you only have to watch a few minutes of a match to see that Low settings does help a bit.
Not disputing the myth-buster thread since it does provide visual evidence on how the cloak impacts the Predator and how the FT views said Predator.
If a fire team is looking for the predator the will find him. If he is not moving, cloaked and bleeding there is a pool of green on the ground, if he is cloaked and moves a tiny bit you will be seen (includes switching weapons), if the fire team is wearing any decent headset they will hear you move as well. It’s too easy to spot a Predator if you are trying to actually spot him.
Agreed on the headset - the sound in the game is an incredibly useful tool for the FT. I have used it multiple times to track down a healing Predator or one that is cloaked around corners/buildings and even on top of objects/buildings. Much easier (imo) to isolate where the Predator is when using a headset instead of speakers from a TV or entertainment system.
As for the switching weapons, that was disproved in a post by @Draedark in which he tests the visibility of the Predator, while cloaked, and affirmed that switching weapons while stationary does not render said Predator visible. It is a great post.
Just another abuse of lowering terrain