⭐Thanks to this winning skull from the poll

1st Suggested Sunday Chibi Event!
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Their Xenomorph Suggestion was an interesting one.
An oddly where coloring usually is the hardest faze.
The Lineart on this took all the cake! I’ve never had to stare harder at a picture then I did this one.
But because this Chibi was relatively easy.
We decided for reasons stupid to our own, we’d add a bit more!
Surprise! Not just one Gif, but TWO!
You know where they’ll be - CHIBI PAGE
We wanted to change up some things.
By adding a new section.
No one has to go and find the story to the CHIBI TROPHIES now.
If you want to read it, it will be here for easy access at first.

The Stories General Summery:
A large Yautja Cargo ship is adrift in the Ggelgamosh system.
A slandered generated distress signal was sent out before the ships lockdown.
"-The Cargo Ship Sven, in the system 112, star Ggelgamosh.
Requires immediate outside assistance.
-Repeat, immediate outside assistance.There is an outbreak on the ship.
Lockdown is in effect".
Which quickly the housing Clan picked up on.
Now 3 Umbra Elites must board the ship with intel stating her drift.
As she speeds dangerously into neighboring territories ready for meltdown.
Click here to Read STORY
⭐The Fall of SVEN.
In the vast void of space.
A sun shines bright.
Like a sunrise over the edge of a blackened land.
That land would be the body of a ship.
Adrift in space.
Larger then any alike its kind.
Faint lights flickering from its sides.
It’s the Sven. (Seven-ah)
A massive Cargo ship belonging to a Yautja clan.
She sits still.
Drifting in the gravitational pull of the sun named Ggelgamosh.
It’s only till all the glinting lights begin to go out.
A distress signal pings out from the ship.
As it becomes nothing more then a block husk.
Nothing more then a shadow amongst a sun.
The sound of wood being smashed follows.
As WhiteClaw looks down on Dusk.
The smaller Yautja laying on the remains of a once table.
The hulking Grey Yautja’s mandibles click rapidly with laughter.
“You call THAT ah GAME”!
WhiteClaw’s clicking heavy and full of heartful amusement.
The hulking Yautja reaches over and grabs his cup of c’ntlip.
Though, WhiteClaw raises a brow noticing not a drop left.
Dusk’s own clicks low and airy.
Sighing and brushing off table remains.
Managing to sit up and kick the rest of the wood away.
"What is with you?
Can’t you match Scar, he’s better fitting for these games.
Besides, you don’t throw him through tables every time he loses"!?
WhiteClaw sneers.
Reaching down and grabbing the other by his arm.
Hoisting the fellow Yautja to his feet.
“Games you say, these are small tactics of war.
How do you think you’ll best a beast that does not have strength.
But wit, huh, mind games my fellow Brother”.
WhiteClaw taps his light grey claw to his own temple.
“Mind Games”.
But Dusk shakes their head in response.
Rolling their eyes to WhiteClaws antics.
With a hearty click.
“Besides Dusk! You know Scar is unbeatable.”
Dusk clicks with a hint of sarcasm.
“Is that why you have to cheat then”?
Giving the white hulk a questioning look.
WHY, you NO GOOD-”!
But WhitClaw’s rage is cut short.
The door to the lounging chamber slides open.
Releasing a hiss of air as it settles.
And, Scar stands within its doorway.
“The Matriarch ordered assistance to SVEN”.
“That Giant Chunk of Metal”?
WhiteClaw watches Scar turn and walk back down the hall.
He follows, and Dusk joins him.
Dusk scoffs with a few irritated clicks.
"I mean no disrespect to our Matriarch.
But, why SVEN?
We are Elites!
Our Titles do not go so low as to check on simple Cargo Ships"?
Scar keeping ahead of them.
“SVEN is not … a simple … Cargo ship.
But to keep it short.
She’s gone dark”.
The group makes a turn in the hallway.
“If we don’t get her back online.
Her Core goes, and so does the ship.
We might as well have nuked the Ggelgamosh system”.
Glancing down on Dusk.
“Unless you’d like a war with a Clan?
I’d like not to nuke our neighbors backyard”.
Dusk nods in understanding.
Stopping in front of a small pod.
WhiteClaw and Scar do the same.
Tapping their claws on the keypads.
Each pod slides open revealing a series of weapon.
We go in, get on board.
And hook her bad ass up to some energy cells?
What can go wrooong”?
The Grey Yautja shrugs with a hearty click.
Pulling off the wall an instrument similar to a dagger.
Scar adjusts his wrist blades.
Glancing at his fellow Umbra’s.
“Something bothers you no”?
Asks WhiteClaw.
Yet, Scar nods.
“Matriarch said …, anything that lives.
Kill it”.
Dusk and WhiteClaw would exchange glances.
Even our own”?
Scar nods.
“Even our own”.
WhiteClaw hears the pods of his brothers slide shut.
Though he looks over the daggered instrument in his hand.
He soon follows.
-Now in the Rays of Ggelgamosh.
The Elite Ship anchored theirs to the Sven upon approach.
Each Umbra Elite got within a Pod.
The doors would shut, and soon lock.
Dusk checked his wrist pad.
“We will strike the ships vital halls.
Be ready for anything”.
Feeling the pod jerk in place.
“Scans show life onboard, so let’s not be caught off guard”.
There is a hiss as the machines turn and pistons pull back.
Each pod is blasted out of the side.
Rocketing towards the Sven.
WhiteClaw looks to the small window.
Catching site of Dusk’s pod.
Watching it hit the side of the Sven and punch through.
He feels a jerk and hears metal torn.
Holding fast to his chair.
There is a creaking sound of strain again metal.
WhiteClaw looks at the door.
He unlatches his belts and stands.
Grabbing the door.
Pushing against it.
He feels something pressing against it.
But, WhiteClaw rams the door easily enough to knock it away.
Stepping out with heavy metal boot.
The Grey armored yautja stand in a baron Hallway of the Sven.
Looking down each side.
Hearing his wrist pad click on and flash red.
“Let’s make this quick.
Dusk to the Control Room.
WhiteClaw do a quick deck sweep.
I’ll be in the Engines room”.
WhiteClaw hears a screech echo throughout the halls.
Looking from his wrist pad to the sound!
He shuts the pad down.
Reaching to his back, grabbing the large Plasma cannon.
Seeing a black domelike head peak slowly around the corner.
WhiteClaw clicks with amusement.
-Scar sprints through the hall!
The Elite grabs the blade from their hip!
Pressing their thumb to the button on the hilt.
Igniting the blade with a laser tip.
Scar turns around to slice into the head of a lunging Xeno.
Using their other hand to slam it against the piped walls!
Denting them inwards.
Acid blood splashing up from the slam.
It splatters the Elites armor.
But hissing and sizzles.
Yet, this armor does not completely melt.
Turning a tinged green.
Scar catches a glimpse of two more crawling down the hall.
Ejecting the blade from the Xeno.
It collapses to the floor.
They tail it further towards the Engine doors.
Entering the code into their wrist pad.
Scar watches the doors slide open.
Hearing a screech!
Scar tucks and rolls, just avoiding the lunge of another Xeno!
Having rolled into the Engine room.
They press the final button on their wrist pad.
The door sealing shut, but the second Xeno is caught in its way.
Crushing the Drone in two.
And the body slumps down in a pool of its own liquids.
While Scar stands to face the last Xeno.
-Dusk looks over the controls.
Wall after wall of red symbols pops up.
From distress messages, to alerts.
Pressing two of their fingers to the side of their Domed Helmet.
“Scar, I’m in the Control Room.
What’s wrong with her”?
Scar stands over the last Xeno.
Firing one last shoulder cannon shot into it.
Seeing no more movement.
They look up to the cores.
Seeing the first two had melted already.
Clearly having exploded.
Chunks of melted metal were scattered everywhere, hard as rock.
The third having taken damage from the explosion, while the last Core seemed to be okay.
But it was eating away its coolant.
“There are two cores left.
I can manually hook them up to the ships Reserved Coolant”.
-WhiteClaw grabbed ahold of a Xenomorph’s tail.
“Come here you dirty lizard”!
Hurling the black alien by it’s tail into another Xenomorph.
Clicking with laughter.
Ducking the tail swipe from another.
Before turning to punch his wrist blade into its under jaw.
With a quick grab of his other hand, he snapped its head free from its body!
Feeling a sudden weight on his back!
WhiteClaw heard the hissing.
But instantly rammed his backside to the nearest wall.
Pinning the Alien.
His shoulder cannon turning around!
Auto firing the squished creature to green pudding.
The blood splattering against WhitClaws grey predlocks.
But the stinging only made the large armored Yautja click with amusement.
A pain he was well known to.
WhiteClaw pulled his body away.
Hearing the corpse slump to the grated floor.
He reached back.
Grabbing at his burning predlocks and yanked.
Giving only a grunt before throwing down the burning remains of his grey locks.
“Where did yah all go”?
Noticing the Xeno’s being hesitant.
Seeing them slowly back around corners and hiss from afar.
WhiteClaw clicked and held his arms out.
“Come you drooling bastards”!
But paused.
Hearing heavy steps.
WhiteClaw turned around.
Seeing the shadow of a larger Alien crawl down from a hole in the ceiling.
Its tail slumping down onto the floor and curling about like a snake.
Dusk reached over, turning a diel gently.
Before looking up at the blackened holographic screen.
Showing red levels beginning to move.
Slowly, evening out.
WhiteClaw’s body smashed off the wall of pipes lining the hallway.
“Is that all you got”!
Roaring with rage!
The larger alien’s tail wrapped around the yautja’s armored ankle.
Dragging him along before tossing him!
This was followed by another sound of pipes being broken.
And Metal being crushed.
WhiteClaw lay in a whole other room.
The big yautja adjusted his sight.
Seeing fellow members of his clan!
They were incased in sacs.
He was thankful for his helmet, seeing as some of them were bloated.
Rotting away.
He can only imagen the smell given off of them.
But, hearing a screech!
WhiteClaw quickly turned to see the Xeno!
Rolling just out of the way.
The sharp tail stabbing against the flooring.
Creating a scrape against the metal.
Now on his feet.
He nearly jumped at the sudden flash!
Looking up.
The lights had come on.
-Dusk stared at the screens.
Watching as the levels evened out some.
The lights of the Control deck flickering before coming on.
Pressing a finger to their wrist pad.
“Power is returning to the ship.
I’ll begin her course out of Ggelgamosh”.
Walking around the control pannel.
Dusk heard a bang, before looking back to see the door dented in word.
Arming their plasma cannon.
The red lazer fixed on the door.
As another dent formed.
Dusks head tilted as he watched the door begin to bubble.
Turning a violent red and melting from one side to another!
-Scar stared at the Cores.
Looking down at the large plugs diverting coolant back into the tanks.
He took a glance at his wrist pad.
Seeing the graph of the ship turn.
Indicating it’s course had changed.
The Elite leader turned towards the singed half melted door.
Watching it slide open.
Seeing the other half of the Xeno’s ass end on the other side.
Scar stepped on the body of the dead Xeno Corpse.
Using it to avoid the pooling green that filled the doorway.
Taking note of the lack of predlocks on the Xeno’s.
Infact, the lack of any genetic mutation indicating their birth from a Yautja host.
Scar was on their way to the Control Deck.
But hearing a screech.
The Leader opened his pad, patching through to the teams Broadcast.
“The Engines on, plant your bombs and prepare to leave”.
-“You got it Scar”.
Grunted WhiteClaw, claws digging into the Aliens arm.
Pinned between the wall and it’s boney appendage.
WhiteClaw watched as the larger Xeno leaned closer.
But, reaching down to his belt.
He ripped off the blade, only stabbing it into the head of the Alien.
It would thrash and drop him!
And he took his moment to rush for one of it’s legs!
Ramming it!
Causing the Alien to collapse and hiss.
The tail whipped around.
Catching WhiteClaw in it’s path.
He’d be knocked back down, but given the chance.
He was able to grab onto the tail.
Positioning himself just perfect to twist and snap the boney snake like appendage free!
The Alien would screech!
Attempting to stand on it’s broken leg.
Yet, WhiteClaw was already in the air!
Landing on top of the Alien.
Pinning it back down against the flooring!
He’d loop the loose tail under it’s head.
Yanking back!
Tightening the noose he made for it.
WhiteClaw pressed his foot to the back of its body.
Pushing hard as it fought under him.
Yet hearing every inch of it’s neck be torn by the tail he used against it.
Green acid blood spraying up into a mist.
Coating both him and the Alien.
Till, crackling to a finale snap!
The head flung off!
It’s meaty weight lumping to the floor behind WhiteClaw.
The Big yautja heaved.
exhaustedly tossing the tail down.
Stepping off the large corpse.
Looking to the other Aliens and Raoring!
His armor giving off a grey smoke as the acid tried brunning through.
He glanced down at the straps worn, and melting away.
Every inch of his skin stung like hell.
He walked over to the head.
Looking down at the blade in its frontal lobe.
Grabbing ahold.
The Yautja hoisted the meaty head off the floor.
Slumping it onto his shoulder.
WhiteClaw would give one last glance back.
Eyeing the many sacs and bodies of his brothers.
Before grabbing the instrument similar to that of a dagger.
Tossing it back into the room.
Walking away.
A timer flickered on the small boxed screen of the instrument.
Leaving the Aliens hissing and recoiling back within the ships pipelines and walls.
-Scar looked down the hall.
Seeing nothing.
Yet upon another glance.
WhiteClaw turned the corner and greeting the leader with a bang to his chest plate.
“What on Prime is that”?
Scar clicked with a raised brow.
Watching WhiteClaw approach.
WhtieClaw clicked with amusement.
“It’s mine is what it is brother”.
With an airy grunt.
Looking around.
“Where’s Dusk”?
Yet Scar shook their head.
“I have not had any contact with him since the powers return”.
Scar turns to the ships escape pods.
Yet WhiteClaw set down his kill.
“Let me check for the runt? Still got time”.
Scar shook their head, with a click of irritation.
“I will not wait for you if you loose yourself”.
Yet, WhiteClaw gave Scar a friendly grab on the shoulder.
“Me, loose myself.
Good one, I’ll be ready for return.
Do not touch trophy though”.
WhiteClaw would give the Trophy a gentle pat on the dome before leaving.
-The Big Yautja walked down the hall.
Turning to the left.
Seeing the Control Room door.
Or what was left of it.
Upon approach.
WhiteClaw narrowed his eyes.
Seeing how melted the door was.
He could still feel the heat coming off it.
Entering the room.
WhiteClaw saw no sign of Dusk.
He stepped further in.
Glancing down at his wrist pad.
Flipping it open.
Trying to tap into Dusks own wrist pad.
But hearing it ping.
WhiteClaw looked up.
Seeing a faint glint.
And, as he approached.
He saw Dusks severed arm laying just behind the control panels desk.
Looking over the cut.
Seeing it was completely clean.
And singed.
The blood unable to spill from the scabbing.
WhiteClaw only saw a few drops, but no trail.
His shoulders slumpt.
Wanting to further investigate.
WhiteClaw took Dusks arm in his grab.
Fastening the severed limb to his belt.
Before returning to Scar.
They would leave Sven.
Before the timers on both of their bombs went off.
Sending a blast throughout the ship.
Blue in color and spreading like fire throughout every hall.
Evaporating all tissue and forms of life upon the Sven.
Yet the structure of the ship was sound.
And the Cores were stable.
At least until more Elites could come to tug the giant ship away, and back into their home territory.
-The ship had been further quarantined.
And though they were paid for their mission.
WhiteClaw polishes up his new skull.
But he can’t stop glancing at the preserved arm on his deskside.
Looking over at the wooden table.
Which was poorly put back together.
It left WhiteClaw sitting in his chair.
With a fist to his chin.
Rethinking the echoing clicks of Dusks complaining.
Yet, there would be none of that anymore ….
✔Approved by: @ADIsnap
Format by: Papa_ApplePie
Review & Finale Edits by: Asmodious
Written by: Papa_ApplePie
This will help us know if we should keep this feature or not?
- Yah
- Nope
- Didn’t Read
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