A ban of forum goers are up to you

Since we can’t get along and that threads and posts can’t be flagged, i’m doing a one to one ban on forumIDs that contain questionable attitudes towards the general audience in this forum.
Note: This method only affects your side of things in viewing the forums and not how others see it.

If you find their actions or comments in bad taste, immoral and makes you question how that person should behave in the forums please use this method of banning.

To ban ignore them do the following:

  1. Check their forum ID by clicking their avatar.
  2. Click on their name in the popup
  3. In the upper right hand corner you see the status of their ID stating Normal
  4. Click this block to bring up the status options.
  5. Select : Ignore and under the Duration drop -down select a duration ranging from a day to a few weeks.

Their posts will no longer be available for you to see.


Glad you found a solution. I hope you are ignoring a few people just cause they deserve it. I was a bit worried it was going to effect your optimism, which I’d hate to see.

Glad you’re taking the high road too, much better to educate people and let them make up their own minds about blocking (not that some bans aren’t currently deserved).

Don’t forget rage quit is always an option. I prefer to see the self-destruct ban myself. I find the people I tend to disagree with make the conversation more lively.

Socratic dialogue is the most eloquent method for discussion.

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There’s a few who have crossed the line into trolling, it’s not a back and forth. They just want everyone to be as mad as they are till it burns.

A couple seem to have forgotten we had an understanding, they behave like this is a community and I don’t make them look stupid. Think Courier will take an apology in advance? 😊

You are one of the biggest trolls on here. Same goes with Slasher

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I’m not a Troll… I might poke fun or throw an ad hominem at someone who’s being an ass sometimes but that more like counter trolling. Hell I normal even ask someone if they want to verbally spare or trade insults.

If it’s cause I hurt your feelings, I’ve never been very good at pulling punches, my bad.

PS. Leave Mass alone, he may get frustrated or be frustrating but he genuinely wants people to be positive and get along. He isn’t a troll either… besides, he told you what to do to not see our posts, 😂🤭

Hahahaha yeah hosss this man stays trolling

UHHHH did you forget getting someone banned for a joke?

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I didn’t get him banned. He choose to open that thread and continue. He’s an adult and responsible for his own actions, I wasn’t even online at the time.

Besides, if the reverse was true, you’d clap him on the back for getting rid of a ‘troll’. So you’ll have to excuse my thinking, that you‘re not being objective about it.

Lol. Yall all trash so take your selfs out plz


What was that about the majority Jimmy?

Any other predictions you want to be wrong about… 🥱

You just don’t have the IQ points to understand James Cameron. But James Cameron loves you all the same.

Why don’t you log in as your Trump account. At least his madness fit the real person and was mildly entertaining.

I don’t know who the Trump account belongs too, but it’s clearly another thing you’re wrong about Jimmy.

It’s yours.

And I say it isn’t. Prove me wrong Jimmy… what was that no evidence, seems to be happening a lot lately, people just claiming things, I mean.

You sir are a broken person. And James Cameron uses the word person in this instance in it’s loosest possible form.

Just accept the harmless meme and move on.

PS: still love you my child.

I’m not the one pretending to be a celebrity Jimmy.

Bless you.
