Any one caught running battle axe shall be sentenced to death by VÒÓDÔÖ BŌTS


Next time you won’t have your bots. I will take care of all of you 🤣


As for using the axe I don’t touch it so I think you are referring to other preds.

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If I can’t use my bow and stick I just don’t play at all like I want to. But those bots are broken.

Bots are a joke. I played against 4 of them when everybody blue screened. They try to follow me then I lead them to a corner and they get stuck there and don’t move as long as I don’t move much. I then take them out with ranged weapons and I don’t even get hit the whole time.


K bud, tell that to Teq, he got an axe in his skull


Who cares about Axers. Anyone who uses the Axe you know is a weak guy who has to rely on a broken weapon to have a chance.
Even i that suck at Predator refuse to use that.


I use the axe a lot, but mostly just to meme around. If I really want to test myself I’ll use combi/bow. I think if you’re going to run axe exclusively, learn to use other weapons too. Most axe games I end up using the bow a little bit more to attack the team.

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I’d rather have bots on my team than Tekniq anyway. He is the most pathetic sniper I have EVER seen, and that is saying something.


Using a weapon just to meme around says a lot about how broken the Axe is…

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It’s so ironic , the ax is so broken that no one even cares about spammers with the caster or disc mains lmao


Its hilarious how many people are crying about the axe.
Ft got beyond broken damage, but sure bitch about the axe.

It almost makes me want to use it, but I hate slow weps.
It literally can not be as bad as everyone says.


Against a good coordinated premade FT, it’s ok.
On public matches with randoms, it’s way beyond broken.


I mean I do give them credit …. Yes it’s a legit one tap build that’s broken if build is made right . I won’t use it cuz it ain’t a challenge like that and I don’t like slow builds anyways . But ya know the disc is a legit one tap made the right way but requires insane skill to wipe the good teams

I still dont see how considering the beyond broken ft damage on pretty much all guns.
But you cant count randoms cause anything will work.
Even warclub.

I just find it funny how so many ppl are crying about it.
But call out ft damage and then everyones like, nu uh.


Lmao I get your point , it really don’t bother me at all cuz I’m a pred main and I don’t use either the club , hook or ax so it really don’t matter to me

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Feel free to use the Axe vs me. At least now there is a chance of losing once in a while.


Lmao Na bro , I’d never use a slow build against you , I watch you all the time .you’re Too fast for that @Samhain13

Throw it on a Scout, or City Hunter. I’m running axe on Scout right now and its pretty fast. Sam also likes to isolate himself and chase, if you’re good you can get him that way.