About macros

Macros are considered cheating for some people because they provide “an unfair advantage” over other players.

By unfair, I understand it means they provide an impossible type/click speed for a human being.

But… the world record for fastest human clicks is more than 15 clicks per second. The world record for fastest typing with one finger (different keys) is 12 keystrokes per second.

I’ve tested the Grimtech with a macro and the fastest it can shoot is 15 bullets per second (right there with the world record)

I’ve tested the net gun macro and the fastest it can get you out is in about one second (about 8 keystokes in the same key)

Are macros really unfair if there are humans out there who can actually do it manually?
If one with enough practice and dedication can attain such performance, how can the game or other players tell if is a macro or not?

What are your thoughts?

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You should be banned for testing this. I would say that just helps people that can’t shoot like that and would rather use macro then there own capability. Was thinking of using that on cold war on the 1911…


Yes, it is still completely cheating.


Fuck you guys for using it. Fuck all of you.
On a lighter note, dont use them. End of discussion. It provides those who have it avail to them an edge that amongst all other advantages (on PC) are just throwing yourself in a pit of firey flames so that your flesh can boil. So why do it? Oh, yeah cuz its available and makes you buff like Arrow. May all your wisdom come from some guy who downloaded his avatar off a vlogger of a youtube calisthetics jock and tried everything on PC just to make others in a much lower bracket of skillsets feel incompetent. Time well wasted.
All the while Playstation ppl everywhere are going…CROSSPLAY OFF. Thank you for bring up this nonsense topic for others to be curious about.

Do you think women are cheaters for using a dildo to masturbate instead of their fingers?


Awesome question…going to have to do a study on this.


To be clear. I realized that the macro on my mouse needs to be assigned to some key other than left mouse button. I refused to use any key other than the left mouse button for firing. So there, i will not be assigning my trigger finger for macros period in the hopes of firing Pistols at laser light speeds.

I hate all you dicks who play PC party. Bunch of PCs.

Explain macros to me, I’m a filthy console casual peasant.
Am I correct in my understanding it’s basically a one click “turbo”?


Yeah, Ive seen them use it with getting out of nets. insane speed. why? @PsychoBaBas

Well then the cheat isn’t the speed but the focus. You got something doing it for you, you can focus elsewhere. That’s what gives the advantage using macros. One less thing to think about in a game split second decisions matter


YOu dont’ get it @Cadillackid its cheat!



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Made my day xD
Even if I don’t like the idea of using macro in this game, cause the FT is op enough, I dont see is as cheating.
A friend of mine is like a machine, he did 13 or 14 clicks on a second. If he would play the game, there would be no difference between him and a macro.

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If you personal can do it manually, then do it mannually. If you can’t, but you are using the macros, it’s simply cheating.


What he said.

Anyway, crossplay remains off for me, so I don’t have to deal with any of this BS.


I know he’s popular, but I don’t really care for Macklemore.

So you openly admit your cheating nice flex. Im sure the mods gonna have a field day here

I rather destroy the pred than my mouse.


Lol so you are admitting your cheating? Mhmmmm and you talk all that smack to @CHUCK_YT and @GothamsPredator lol mhmmm is ur helmet head that tiny that you need to cheat to feel good?

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