About Naru... (Prey 2022)

Ok, weird take, and I’ll get to why it relates to Prey after I get a few answers…
Does anyone remember Turok 1,2 and 3 on N64? And actually played all of them, especially 3?

I did. Struggled on the N64 one but despite the heresy I’m about to say, I enjoyed the 360/PS3 one the most. Yeah I know, crucify me. But I did really like that one

Bro that’s 19.
NineTEEN. still a teenager.


No. Shut up with your right wing conspiracies. Fuck math.


You’re as annoying as those who complain about her.
Like both sides suck.

But given that they dont even have guns and she damn near died to a bear, you think it makes sense?
You tell me how you look at the trailer and dont see anime character.

Like in anime itd be fine, but real life?

Besides, if you’re an actual pred fan then you’d want her to get killed. Pred should win. Doesnt matter the gender.

Hey that’s sounds like a lot of ft mains when we talk about ft damage.
Nerf pred, buff Ft.

Again, you literally bitch as much as them, you’re no better.

Pot, meet kettle.

oh my god the salt in this thread is pretty damn high, we also gotta consider that people in that time period usually live to around 30 because of the lack of medical science.


Why would he do that when he can just bring the “if you hate this you hate women” strawman out of the closet?


🤣🤣🤣 Nice… very nice.

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kass and bearbros…the bear is ded.
I had to break the news.


No you dont understand, that bear only got wounded, he manages to escape, bandages and heals his wounds, then at the end of the movie he pops up covered in mud and kills both of them.

He later steals the preds ship and goes on to kill the entire Yaujta race. Then he forms an army of super bears to take over the universe.


1.) No judgment there. I LOVED the reboot. The story was somehow more silly than the og’s, but the gameplay was flawless!

2.) Good. So what SHOULD happen in Prey is that the Pred SHOULD be up against the biggest, most badass accomplished hunter the tribe has, like a T’al Set but with his basic loadout


If the script/studio/director insist on younger, unproven combatants against an alien murder machine, there should be 2 human main characters, like Turok 3. Danielle (the older sister) and Joseph Fireseed. Each character had their own play style and strengths. So should the human siblings in this film. They should play off of one another’s strengths to outsmart the Pred in some way, like setting deadfall traps, etc, since, as they’re both teenagers, they can’t physically overpower a 9 ft alien murder machine.

It’s all about the writing. It HAS to make sense and be at least 2% believable. If you’re watching Star Wars or Guardians of the Galaxy, you know it’s gonna be ridiculous and there’s gonna be crazy super powers etc, so your mind adjusts to that level of disbelief suspension. You know what you’re in for. With Pred films being mostly on earth and you know the time periods and tech etc used in each one, AND no one has any powers of any kind, your mind adjusts to that as well. What it can’t or shouldn’t accept is the laughable premise that a kid with zero knowledge of the aggressor could defeat it alone. Which is why I pointed to 2 leads. Much easier and more believable for the audience.

But as I’ve said from the beginning, maybe we’ll all be wrong and maybe it’ll be great. That would really make my day. It’s just that H-wood is such a massive toxic tire-fire now, I don’t hold out much hope. I’m begging to be wrong about it.


But also, yes

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Buff dysentery nerf pred

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Its not ab unexpected response from a 15 years old; kinda stoopid,but also maybe too sophisticated

unless some dude in her tribe called her a lazy nerd. I do stupid shit when people say i cant/wont. I do have to see the movie first


Makes sense.

If we’re being honest, technically, Jungle Hunter easily overpowered and beat Dutch, he just effed around for too long, opening up the opportunity for something to go wrong.


Honestly, I’ve known a few collegiate athletes that were extremely motivated by others telling them they weren’t good enough. These same individuals also did very well, because of their passion and hard work.


Oh I agree. I’m that guy. But…I mean this just seems ridiculous in the context of the film.

I REALLY want it to be good. Franchise needs a win. But it just feels off.

Also: do you have Evil Dead?