AI Predator

Hey guys, I just posted a reply on one of the update patch notes, and I wanted to quote it here just to bring it to people’s attention and possibly even Illfonic’s attention to see if this could become a thing. I just wanted to see what you guys think about it:

“(I am so glad that they added custom private matches to the game! Now, the only thing I would wish for is an AI predator. Now, I’ve seen this controversial topic in a lot of forums. However, I honestly think it would be a good idea to implement this into the game since my internet gets kicked off sometimes out of nowhere, sometimes even multiple times throughout the day (I’m sure everyone’s does), and I think it would be cool to add some sort of offline AI predator to play against in the meantime while waiting for Wi-Fi to start back up again. Now, as I was saying, this has been a controversial topic in a lot of discussions. For example, programming an AI predator would be a lot of work and would take away time from all the other important things needed to be worked on. But that doesn’t necessarily mean this AI predator should be “believable” or even remotely advanced, it just would be cool if you would play against an AI predator while you are offline, even if it is the worst AI yet, at least its something to do in the meantime. Does anyone feel what I’m saying?”)"

“(Also, if they do work on an AI predator, it doesn’t even have to be any time soon, let’s say they wait until the community starts dying down and there’s not as much people to play against, say, in the next couple of years, it would be awesome to add an AI predator because you would have something to play against, once again even if it is in no way advanced or adaptive, at least it gives the community something to do. I also think it would really encourage sales in the long run, and overall it would just make a lot of people happier, especially if they don’t have access to the internet at the moment. Now, you wouldn’t want to make this Predator too advanced because it might keep people from playing against other real players. That is why it would be best to leave it feeling a little “generic”, so that people wouldn’t resort to that unless they had no internet and that way it will keep as many players online as possible. Honestly, I think an AI predator is inevitable. I mean, come on, they already added custom private matches to the game. I think there’s only one thing missing if you know what I mean, and developers don’t usually add that much customization unless they are very committed to their game. All-in-all, an AI predator would definitely add a lot more “customization”.)”

edit: I’m getting a lot of comments asking what the point of an AI predator would be and I just came to say…ok, I never wanted one because of internet or Wi-Fi issues or any of the reasons stated above, that is just me trying to persuade people that it would be a good thing but I guess it didn’t work. The only reason I wanted an AI predator is so that I could practice parrying. Yes, that’s it. I just want the predator to run towards me, and start slashing when it gets close, no need for ranged weapons or any special tools, so that I can try to parry it. If the coding sucks and its easy to kill the predator, I’ll just turn its health up to 10,000% in the settings, and that’s that. It is kind of selfish of me to try to come up with reasons that aren’t even the motive for me asking for this type of thing, but I didn’t want people to know about my secret :/

edit 2: another thing is that whenever you are in game playing against a real player predator it is hard to practice because whenever you try, before you know it, you’re dead, so it’s kind of hard to practice parrying against real players since the combat encounters only last for a short amount of time before you either die, or your other teammates shoot the predator. So, it kind of makes it hard to practice, but idk…I just wanted a neverending parry spar with an AI predator lol

edit 3: let’s be honest, I just love this game so much, my biggest fear is that the game will die down after a while, and there won’t be as many players, and therefore not a lot of people to play against.


Its the next obvious step that seems impossible (Pred AI).
I see them doing it just as you said, by adding a generic clone.
ei, a Generic, all red predator that uses a bow. Or something to that effect where a unique shader or class that doesn’t exist currently that is applied to give it uniqueness and that it is limited to using one weapon rather than a score of them.
That way the experience is had by anyone and the feeling is similiar. I imagine the AI being difficult its obvious the private matches Modifications would be perfect for the situation by being able to change your stats according to your skill level.

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Can you even get into the game without internet?
I remember seeing an offline mode, but you couldnt click anything but the tutorial lol. Plus if its anything like their Human AI. I cant imagen how wonky an AI predator jumping branch to branch would be. Or it just spawns to you and auto fired the plasma caster the whole time.

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No. What on earth is the point of playing against a really badly programmed AI Pred?

I think you’re overstating how much of an issue being offline is for the majority of people. Most FT players have a very short wait to get into games and don’t have too many connection issues.

Sounds like you just need a better internet service provider.


Bots are cool! I would not have bought Friday The 13th if it didn’t have an offline mode with bots.

Predator Hunting Grounds needs A.I. Fireteam AND HOPEFULLY an A.I. predator for offline play. It doesn’t need to be great or even good A.I. , we just need anything since there is nothing available right now.

Offline play with bots makes a game truly complete, it makes it a lot more appealing for buyers in my opinion. Not everybody wants to compete with human players. The source material in this game is so cool that it would be a shame if they don’t end up with an A.I. predator and fireteam.


Well , if you’re Internet is out, I’m sure private games with an AI pred would be pointless? I dont think you can access anything but the tutorial without an Internet connection? Unless you mean an offline mode?

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as long as the pred has aimbot, whallhack, instantly knows where the piggies are, knows exactly what the mission is. I will support the idea lol.
No sry, it would be stupid. Its too hard to program an AI pred (look at the AI stargazer. Illfonic is bad at programming AIs) this is also multiplayer (yes of course you could do some Co-op, but why? They should focus on more important stuff ahhem maps, gamemodes and weapon (+classes)


Yeah , I am like a turd that won’t flush on here 👍🏻

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Isnt that just the tutorial mode ? Private matches run through the servers aswell , at least thats what I thought

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honestly, i’ll admit, it doesnt really have to do with internet issues or even my internet. i just want an ai pred lol, and i guess i was just making excuses to push towards having one. what do you think about it?

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Listen I understand why you want it but the AI right now is so utter shit that it would be like fighting a very buff stargazer soldier


ummm…that wasnt how it was with me, when i turn my wifi off the game asks whether you want to try to connect online again or go offline and if you go offline you can play a private match as fireteam or predator against ai bots

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Yo quiero un predator ia pero la ia de los soldados es muy triste para un juego tan simple, no quiero pensar que sera del predator, pero es super necesario.

I want a predator AI but the soldiers’ AI is very sad for such a simple game, I don’t want to think that it will be the predator, but it is super necessary.


A pred with AI fireteam makes more sense , or if a player drops from the lobby in the final stages it replaces them , but their AI in this game is horrible

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Ah , I didn’t know that

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I don’t care if they end up with a bad predator AI. I just want to fight the predator in offline mode. I wouldn’t care if the predator has awful AI, I just want to fight an AI predator no matter how bad it is coded. I just want an AI predator period. It doesn’t have to be good it just has to be there.


but why do you need an offline mode in a multiplayer game?
and trust me, you wont have fun playing against a stupid pred. There would be no reason to play at all
(every match will be the same. The pred will just jump in and die because its so hard to program, you cant deny that)
Edit: I forgot that ps4 has some sort of paid online right? So for ps4 players there would be a reason. But nothing else.

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Playstations need a subscription service to play online games that require it , some games are free to play , this game isn’t


I’m on PC and I like bots. I like to relax and play against AI bots. I love offline mode because we don’t have to rely on other people (or compete with them). It may be gimmicky on my part but I really want an AI predator (and fireteam).


You can have bots if you turn crossplay on. Most of the PS4 players play like bots
(I hope I wont get killed because of that joke)

okay, thats a reason for an AI pred. But to be honest, before you buy an ONLINE MULTYPLAYER game, you should be aware that there are no bots in this specific game. Of course it can be requested, but you shouldnt cry if its not there yet.

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