Aim Assist

Bruh i can even snipe predator with my revolver XD

and deal 4k damage to him…

ill coach u :P

Myself, Onskie, Naomi, Durbs, and several other PS players can snipe with a dangerous hit rate. It’s not that bad. You just gotta stay calm and line up your shot, predict if you want. You can’t panic and flick unless you know exactly where he is or is going to be.

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Thank youuuuuuuu. Somebody said it lol

this was with revolver sniping only as sniper rifle takes no skill and finishes match quickly.

this was also with revolver.

I also did post it before @Sciku <-- this guy was part of the pc death squad we used to play during beta and first week before they decided the game is too easy and even with only melee we were able to kill predator WHICH back then was “OP” as people call it… but he wasn’t XD

I said top pred players, not potatoes.
…and no screenshots either, I think we would all like to see video proof of how well you perform with sniper riffle against a top pc pred player.


Snipers to require skill man, I can assure you I can’t do what Sharpy does with the sniper… I am actually quite… Bad with them, that is why I only run AR. I mean just look at some of his videos, getting hits and not even using the scope lol.
Same with you saying playing FT takes no skill… If that would be so there would not be a massive gap between the good players and potatoes, anyone could do it.

That said I would not mind them making plasma 1 shoot if they remove the AOE, but that would probably get you lynched by the other predators lol. But keeping the AOE and 1 shoot? Nah, that’s way, way to much.

Now how to handle snipers in a good way I can’t say, I got some ideas but considering my skill level I could just say things I’ve seen predators do, no point. Perhaps someone skilled like Dan or Sharpy could give you tips there.

Come on dude, FT is actually quite slow, unless the plasma is shoot from across the map, dodging it in a way you avoid all damage is actually quite… Hard to say the least. You should also try to shoot it when people don’t see it coming.

Sure build me a pc death squad who run snipers against top predator, and get someone to record it.

There is a reason for a massive gap… and massive gap is cause there are no comms and communication and planning…

There, im fine with them removing AOE for full charge…

But keeping AOE for non charged plasma

You dont realize that not everyone who claims to be a “top tier” pc ft can use sniper riffles. Most of them rely on deadly assault weapons. There’s only a handful of deadly snipers in this game.

The best way to handle snipers are to run net gun… but even then they will just like throw grenades at you if u go for him and do impact grenades… hurting you and not him…

this is where i wish friendly damage was a thing…

This has to be a joke. Give me comms and planning and I will not be able to perform as well as arrow, I guarantee it. Poatoes? Haha, no…

If a pred is like in proximity of 60 meters u can literally see his stupidly broken cloak textures and abuse spotting XD

he will run for his life or spam non charged plasma at you… in this case back in early days when i ran sniper build and with my old pc squad, i was shooting the predator when he was doing so with @Sciku who was also a sniper users and we just made people Rage quit cause it took less than 10 seconds lmao…

Elder + Stalker spec + downrange is 150 dmg direct hit, so its a 1 hit now. The elder is probably one of the best choices now. Also scout is very good now with the diciplined spec. Smart disc can do 1 hits now too (150dmg) (with stalker + downrange)


Ok find them them i will play with them.

There you have a deal.

Who’s fault is that tho?

Preds or fireteams?

its up to a player to improve and not to lack behind lmao…

ARE YOU SURE…You want to take that team on? Think about it.

Dude, don’t come from the front, use line of sight. yeah, I know you know that. There are ways so they can’t see you. You have mobility to your advantage, you can leap, make then lose track of you, don’t move and you’re completely invisible. Come on.

? I want to play with them not against them lmao

And i already killed people who ran sniper

Just by running net gun…

I also declared that i wont be playing against pc players until it takes skill to play fireteam and laws of physics are applied to their weapons

Are you saying you need an entire team of snipers for you to perform well?

Usually there is only one sniper even in a full pc team. I don’t quite understand why you would have to run a full sniper team in order for YOU to perform well.