Aim Assist

I play on console and there is 100% aim assist. My sensitivity noticeably slows down when looking at the pred or ai. People are just bad and don’t notice it I guess

sniper is broken af , i am not even “pro” ft and with sniper i manage to do so much damage to pred

It’s not very “good” aim assist is the point.

Bullet projection.

Let’s take for example the 1011. Bullet speed is 830 feet per second, or 253 meters per second. Maps are about 400-600 meters. So yeah, you get the idea. At 50 meters, expect that bullet to hit the target in a split second.

Bullet drop

Again, bullet drop for the 1011 at 100 meters for ACP rounds is about 10 inches… against a 7 feet target… get it?

Bullet velocity

This is actually a thing in the game. I don’t know what game you are playing or if you pay attention to the XP number that comes out every time you land a hit. The greater the distance the less XP (hence damage) you inflict. This is already implemented on the game

You guys constantly bring these arguments and seems to me that, either you have never shot a real gun in your life or the only guns you have shot are airsoft

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Aim assist is a joke on this game, but for any crossplay FPS game a good aim assists is a must.

This guy quits the lobby everytime he sees a full PC squad.

He said it takes no skill to use sniper, thats why he runs hammerhead with deadly spec.

Posts a screenshot against Potato Station dude lol.

Wants realistic game, where he can one shot one kill ppl as Pred but at the same time asks for FT nerfs all the time.

He doesn’t realise that even if he got the realistic game, one shot from SAWZ would send his Pred flying in pieces.

But ya know, it’s forum, everyone got their own ideas.


Hammerhead and QR-4 have the same recoil of a BB gun. It’s a joke.

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I think it’s quite moronic to compare video games to real life.


I say that the Aim assist is fine. Good and experienced players NEVER ask for more “aim assist” or a stronger one because that would be unfair. It basically becomes aim bot at that point if you make it any stronger. But for people to compare a video game to real life that’s just plain out stupid. Games wouldn’t be fun anymore if they were realistic. And like how @FromTheHood was saying the SAWZ or the .50 cal in this game would blow a hole through a predator and that would be it game over in one shot.

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can you change sensitivity on console so you can turn faster?

If i played any kind of FPS on console id have the sensitivity at its maximum or close to it.

May feel too twitchy at first but ull get used to it within thew hour.

Like when i play warhammer Space Marine, i use a gamepad cuz casual co-op, and i put the sensitivity like 90% and its pretty fast… obviously not mouse fast but its tons better than low sens.

Yes the only settings you can really change on console is your audio, controller mapping, and your sensitivity. I personally run on maximum sensitivity because I’ve always done that in any game. Yea turning around super fast is nice but it has its down sides to it because it might be too fast for certain players. For example I know some players who player on some lower ends of the sensitivity who are really good at paring and close quarters who can pull off things normally high sense players can do. On console its just preference and how comfortable you feel.

my gamepad has a clutch button thats good, u can run high sens and then when u hold the clutch button it lowers sens to whatever % u set in the pad setup on ur phone. so like 50% sens.

Best of both worlds but its not a cheap pad.

I just run on a normal ps5 controller and it works like a charm. lmao

ps5 pad is really good controller aparently. but im on PC so i use a Razer thing. but its PS4 compat.

But not for this game, i ofcourse use KB/M

Also BTW id not be against a better aim assist for console. maybe even have it so it can be adjusted to user preference, MIN-------MAX slider with max being a bit better than it is now, and min being almost off.

ANd not just for ft, but for pred also… bow on console must be super frustrating

I still envy you
Your sensitivity looked so fast on the screen share
I got mine at max but it still feels slow

this is where i have to do that thinng where i once again say

Controllers currently DO have aim assist in this game it is simply the worst implemented aim assist i’ve ever seen as it doesn’t use the aiming stick to (right stick) to help the controller player it exclusively uses the moving stick (left stick) so unless you aim by moving your character it will never help you

is there some console setting too, i remember on XBOX 360 there was a page in the setting somewhere that you could change the sensitivity also. i dont know though not owned a console since 360.

I don’t think it would be unfair against PC players who have much better and easier precision with the mouse. That’s kinda like the point. Though against pred players it could turn into a melting fest, at that point pred should just be granted more health or FT damage reduced.

But I honestly think aim assist needs to be better on this game because it is very fast paced where you simply don’t have a lot of time to react.

I also would like to see implemented a “key combo” like in some RE games, where you can instantly turn 180 degrees. That would benefit a lot console players against bunny hopping preds.

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well pc players have better aim with mouse but ps4/5 players have better movement with controller

With our powers combined we are captain FPS