Console “Aim assist”

This is my first informational video. Aim assist, and aim in general, is weird in PHG and even a bit exploitable.


and still a lot of console players have poor aim, lol

I’m gonna try this on PC though. I used to pay with a controller and I didn’t feel it had any kind of aim assist.

Nice find Skool

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This kind of aim assist is very counter intuitive. I would expect to have stickiness when aiming, not requiring me to move and aim for the assist.

Also, it should disable when the predator is completely invisible to avoid using the aim stickyness as a locator.

Thats not called an aim assist.

You’re just strafing and aiming and where the two can help each other in realtime is assisted aiming. Its not an automatic functioned thats coded.

But I guess if you want to brand what you’re doing, go ahead! Call it Aiming for dummies!

Just tested it on PC. Works the same way, though I just tested against AI and found is only effective at medium and long ranges using assault rifle. On close range I didn’t see any stickyness.

I still think running the new Mercenary Rifle with Hip Fire Perk is a much better option for controller players wanting to engage in more close combat. The accuracy on that rifle is ridiculous. I don’t even aim when I use it and still land headshots to AI.

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Actually, I’m only strafing. The aim turns on its own when you pass over the predator.

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Interesting, so console and PC have exactly the same aiming mechanics. Haven’t they learned anything from other big titles. What a strange decision.

By sticky, do you mean that it slows down? Because it does looks like it is slowing slightly when you’re changing strafing direction but itsnt that just the smoothing of strafing itself?

Aim assist is only for controllers. Aim assist is built into the software, not on the hardware.

Mouse aiming has no assist, not like it needs it.

sticky as it bounces back to the target while you strafe

So what if you’re not over your target, is the same smoothing and easing there as well? If this is what i’m seeing in the video, i think there is a slight angle aim assist while over your target.

if you don’t have a target on your aim there isn’t any kind of bouncyness. Just works when you have a target in your aim and is far away enough. I found that at close range it didn’t “stick” as I strafe side to side

It seems very subtle and not really reliable because what is considering to be targeted? is there a distance? I will check it out on PC sometime.

I mean, by no means is reliable, specially on a moving target, but is better than nothing, I guess, lol

I wish on controller it was “á la COD” and just instantly AIM to the nearest target once you pull the aim trigger.

But then again movement on this game is so fast, like AI sometimes moves so fast is even hard to track with a mouse.

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dont get started on AI movements - the devil possesed shaking and stutering up a hill motion.

It slows down significantly while passing over the predator.

Never noticed… My life is a lie 😭

I was just going off of what you said. There really is no “aim assist” in predator hunting grounds, just the slowdown, or stickiness, when you’re moving and your aim passes over the predator.

Obviously, aim assist, if present, is in the software.

you’d be surprised of how many people think aim assist is built into the console