Airstrip campers inside rock

It does not make them dinosaurs, because dinosaurs evolved into birds. Birds are not dinosaurs. I think you need to learn basics of biological evolution. Birds evolved from a group of meat-eating dinosaurs called theropods. That’s the same group that Tyrannosaurus rex belonged to, although birds evolved from small theropods, not huge ones like T. rex .

Your lack of reading comprehension is showing again, Magic Mike. If they are in the clade dinosauria, they are dinosaurs.

“Birds are avian dinosaurs, and in phylogenetic taxonomy are included in the group Dinosauria. Dinosaurs are varied from taxonomic, morphological and ecological standpoints. Birds, at over 11,000 living species, are among the most diverse groups of vertebrates.”

You arguing birds are not dinosaurs is shown to be equivalent to claiming ceratopsia and titanosauria are not dinosaurs

Well I just started an unintentional war

Your screenshot doesn’t prove anything that I said wrong, since you are showing only fossils of dinosaurs and there are no birds there. As for youtube video, it’s biased in it’s entire core. Birds are not dinosaurs, nor were dinosaurs birds. Nor were Dinosaurs Reptiles. Reptiles are cold blooded animals. Birds and Dinosaurs are warm blooded and some minor dinosaurs evolved into birds. So Dinosaurs were neither of those 2. They are classified as Dinosaurs pure and simple. They had no biological trait being Reptile, neither bird.

I should have said Non-Avian Dinosaurs

I was just giving that to troll on the fact birds are dinosaurs, then Magic Mike here went full on his retardedness

I fact checked you my boy. Birds are not dinosaurs, nor were dinosaurs birds.

They are literally therapod dinosaurs. Magic Mike your dumbassery is showing again.

You only proved you live in delusion. Go cry about Russia’s failures and the fact birds are dinosaurs. And I never said dinosaurs were all birds. That was you. Birds are a type of dinosaur, the only living dinosaurs to this day. The reverse is simply not true, and taxonomically is equivalent to saying all great apes are humans.

Non avian is one of the dumbest and irrelevant name that activists on Wikipedia can make. As for Russia’s successes, I don’t cry, you apparently cry about Alaska and Mexico? Anyways. Birds are not type of dinosaur. They are birds, separated from Dinosaurs and evolved Dinosaurs. Evolved animal is not the same animal. We are not Neanderthal or Homo Erectus, we are Homo Sapiens, we share their blood, but it does not make them us. Just like Birds.

according to activists on Wikipedia that share 0 science.

You are probably one of those school students that are showing to his professor ‘‘look it says on Wikipedia, that means I know better than you haha’’

Here’s a sign I put outside my breeding base on Ark

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Birds are required to make dinosaurs a monophyletic group, therefore they must be dinosaurs according to the most basic principles of taxonomy. The most basic fact about who is who in biology is relationship. You include foxes in the canine group because all canines are related by blood. Birds are related to dinosaurs and deinonychus is one of the many examples of that. If you refuse to acknowledge that, it’s just as you not acknowledging that your mom is related to you. One of the taxon is called family for a reason. Because the whole relationship is exactly a big genealogical tree but on entirely significantly larger scale. Instead of one to one generations it’s many generations over millions of years. Because that’s how evolution works.

If you deny that birds are members of dinosauria, you deny that evolution is true. If you want to educate yourself, do so. If not, you’re wasting my time with your ignorance and delusion.

No they are not, just like there are no more than 2 genders and Earth is not Flat, but round. Being descendant of Dinosaur does not make it Dinosaur, simple.

I don’t refuse to achnowledging that, in fact, you are trying to put 2 separated examples as deceptive as possible in order to backpedal on your Wiki biases and incompetences with categorizing. Being related to Dinosaur does not make it Dinosaur. So that being said I am related to my mom, but I am not my mom, just as birds are not Dinosaurs.

Correct and that’s why they are not Dinosaurs, but descendants. They are related, but are not one of them.

Incorrect kiddo, stop trying to project like a crybaby. I deny that birds are members of dinosauria, because I have common sense and logic. I don’t deny evolution nor I never say that evolution is true. On the contrary. If you claim that Birds are Dinosauria, you are the one classified as the person that denies that evolution is true. That argument suits much more to your style. IF you want to educade yourself, but on proper way and with valid sources that are not based on fake scientific activists that have no scientific principles, do so. If not, you’re wasting my time with your ignorance and delusion by using pseudo articles.

You’re dumb as fuck.


Jesus there really is no helping someone as braindead as you.

Mirror awaits…



also yes

objectively wrong

freakin combine zealot

about 30/70 truth to lies

eh whatever floats your boat

behold your entire vocabulary

No I’m a drunkard, you know this. And I’m amazed that anyone finds this shit ‘difficult to believe’ and not just downright preposterous. In fact, rather paradoxically, the fact that people entertain the idea that most of what I say might possibly be true, almost by itself shows that most of what I say I do could actually be done because people are so stupid (nothing personal, just a state-of-the-world thing. Like the unabomber says, it’s not really your fault).

It’s completely opposite of all of that. Especially state of the world thing, due to high CCTV’s and drone cameras operating in the nations. People are stupid, but law is not. It’s not difficult to believe, but impossible to believe. People who find it in fact easy to believe are the stupid ones. Because it is preposterous. I never assumed what you say is true at all since day 1. LOL