
Agreed, moderation is key. I’ve never gotten drunk, most likely due to my parents teaching me that moderation is key and incidents with my aunt.


I’m all for drinking especially during HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT days.
and where in between after strenuous physical exercise, cognitive focus and other such work, a alcohol bev to make you a mellow is good for the health and good for the mind.
It can relax the body and allow for a recovery that is suitable for your life style.

I don’t however recommend drinking because it gets you through a problem or a shitty social situation. Doing so is an impairment of judgement or focus of values, skills and empathy.

I totally get where you’re coming from – a cold drink on a scorching hot day is a pure delight. And I agree, a mellow alcohol beverage can be nice after some intense work or exercise to unwind. But, yeah, it’s crucial not to rely on it as a crutch in tricky situations – keeping a clear head is essential. I’ve dealt with depression and anxiety, and I discovered how to stop obsessive thoughts that were affecting me. It made a world of difference in my mental health journey.

Alcoholism is a serious addiction that can ruin lives. To get rid of alcoholism, people replace alcohol with something else-weed, maybe even gambling. For example, I play cs2 tournaments instead of drinking with friends.