Alien Vs. Predator Hunting Grounds

I like turtles

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My opinion is that if they actually wanted to make an avp game they could have, but they didn’t. Because they wanted to make a Predator game. Just like Alien Isolation is an Alien game and if a Predator showed up halfway through you are now playing avp. “But then Alien Isolation could attract the avp fanbase!” If they actually wanted the avp fanbase that much they’d make an avp game. Generally people who play avp games ALSO play alien games and ALSO play predator games anyways but I digress.

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I heard that in my head LOL

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Sure I can agree with that but all im trying to say is it would be a cool idea and a cool game mode despite if its cannon or not or who has right I mean illfonic had pull to bring dutch back so i think anything could happen all im saying is it would be a very fun experience and I would hate for people to not get that experience because there’s Predator only fans thats kinda taking away from the growth of the game and franchise for future possibilities movies, comics, and games I don’t think AVP will happen but it would a cool game mode to have

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That’s precisely the problem.

You buy a ticket for an Alien move, set on a spaceship like the first one. After a well written original story and a few twists, towards the end, at the peak of the tension, where only 1 human survived, Superman appeares! “Hey, I won’t let this bizarre creatures come too close to my home! Not today!!” And then he lasers the Xenomorphs in half and saves the day while his classic theme song plays in the background. Ta tta duh duuh tatatata ta Tta ta duh duuuuh

“Wouldn’t you say that Superman presence IMPROVES the movie? After all you get Xenomorphs AND Superman in the same film right?! Why would you possibly complain. It would suck for people not to have the superhero experience just because there’s some pesky Alien-only fans!”

That’s why people disagree with that statement.

Avp is a different thing. No preds in Alien only games, no aliens in Pred only games.


I think it would make a cool additional game mode you could choose to play separate to the main one we have. So id be all for it, same with having a SP pred campaign for this game, would love that. I miss concrete jungle and hope someone may create a second one in the future :)

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I don’t think this is true. Aliens is it’s own universe sure, AVP is part of the Predator universe though.

AVP is part of Predator canon whether you like it or not. There are 6 movies, and the last one calls back to the AVP movies.

I don’t think you understood what I meant by “different thing”.
Although I personally don’t care what Shane Black deems canon, and look at all of the other evidence that it probably shouldn’t be canon, and think that only the first 3 Predator movies should be taken into account… it’s irrelevant to me what people decide at some point in time to be canon or not, that’s not my argument.
I will say though: easter eggs are nothing more than that, i.e. inconsequential nods. They imply nothing, like idk a bat symbol in a Watchmen product. So to all people who keep pointing to the xeno skull in P2 as evidence, keep in mind that it’s nonsense. Now if you wanna get into the multiverse argument that’s a whole another story and I’d be fine with that.

But then again, I don’t care even if everyone on earth wants to consider avp “canon to Predator”, my point is just that the introduction of Xenos in a game or movie that reproduces the atmosphere of P1 & P2, destroys the tone that was conceived and set by the writers of those movies, and I am not fine with that. There’s other games, other movies for that stuff: AVP ones especially.

Why should you decide?

You’re just arguing that your head canon is the right one.

Missing the same point twice in a row, damn

Why should you decide the opposite?
It’s opinions.

The difference is I’m not picking and choosing only the parts of canon I like.

No problem dude you can keep debating that straw man over there as long as you want! Holla at me when you’re done

Your autocorrect made this say weather instead of whether and I like this idea

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Sure man I can see when someone is deflecting, you don want to debate that’s all good.

It’s not a straw man but if you got nothing else.

Hey maybe english is not your first language, it isn’t mine either so in that case I’m sorry! Nothing wrong with having serious problems understanding simple english, that’s fine.
Because I am pretty sure what I wrote is very understandable. Like you know, the part when I talked about “not caring what’s considered canon because that’s not my point”…to then explicitly state that “my point is just that bringing xenos to this game would change the tone…”… still nothing?
Might also be that you just can’t read, no issues with that either.
I suspect however that if you actually read the posts and/or was intellectually honest instead of hiding behind weasly misconstruction tactics and answering just for the sake of spewing irrelevant shit about what’s canon or not, maybe we could have a regular conversation. But hey, no biggie.

I can debate all day but if the guy is too stupid to understand or doesn’t want to I don’t really bother. In this case you can bet your dishonest ass I’ll be deflecting forever! See ya!
Oh and tell mr scarecrow I said hi

So, to go into the merit of canon or not, one cannot focus solely on the movies; there’s a plethora of materials in other mediums that tie-in to form what we’d call Universe.

For instace, check out some interview from authors of Aliens, Predator novels, and they often attest that (at the time) Fox had a very vague and non-hard-line on what’s “canon” and what’s not. And this include the AvP movies, as well comics, as well novels. Hence some novels will mix the IPs even though the book was under specific IP, or expand the the universe in directions that are not so appelling, like the infamous Predator, Forever Midnight.

If you check AvP content you will see that most of it’s development and stories are self-contained; meaning that the event seen on them don’t necessary affect story lines in Predator or Alien stand-alone universes.

The matter is very delicate and blurred.

At the end of the day, the owners of the IPs leave the matter of canon or non-canon as to open interpretation, they themselves were caught quoting event x to be canon, for later on say that it is not canon and so on.

Now, I do understand your opinion and I can see why the idea of including Xenomorphs could be great. I, for one, would prefer Xenomorphs added as easter eggs, just to build atmosphere and let us thonking that maybe in the dark corner the xenomorph would jump out.

As well, IPs are segemented, you may have different holders for different mediums; so AvP might be under Disney for Films, but under company X for gaming development, etc.

I am going to laugh so hard if they add aliens.


The 6 movies are canon to the game, other stuff might be too but I can speak to that. That’s my point, xeno’s exist within this canon. Next parts a response to someone else.

Tone is a pointless debating point and I never challenged it because any mode can have any tone IllFonic decides @Bayn_11.

Hum, could be, yet I am not fuly sold on the argument–let me be clear I am not against you and I will be more than glad to chance my opinion ;) really just debating the matter as it is interesting.

But it seems the link between the movies and this game is made by a book entitled “Predator: Stalking Shadows” which is a link of the end of movie Predator 2 to the events leading to this game.

Aside of that, by the OWLF’s and Dutch’s tapes in-game point to the events happening between the end of the Predator 2 leading to the game.

By no means I am the “holder of truth, nor pretend to be” just exposing my arguments based on all novels and comics I read, and the movies I watched and how I see them fitting the game.

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This has already been “debated” in another thread, so I’ll make this consice. AVP movie lore does not align with Predator movie lore. Even if they happen to be within the same universe, they do not abide by the same lore. Removing the half second easter eggs, are the AVP movies referenced in Predator or Visa versa? Does Wey-Yu exists anywhere outside of the AVP movies? Does the AVP lore directly contradict the predator lore? Yes.

Any response to this post must answer this question: Does Predator deserve at least one video game on its own?

As a final note, this game is an homage to the original Predator movie. Would adding Xenos make sense in the movie?

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