
yes its seem so and i am afraid that the game will run out of juice quickly

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@Fire youā€™re gonna get this and I donā€™t to hear a god damn word about it.

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You know I am, but yall better get the Evil Dead Game fuckers @Fire

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Aliens not player controlled šŸ™ I feel like Avp2 back in 2001 was the pinnacle alien predator and marine multilayer experience. Evac was fucking amazing. Twenty years ago and still the best.

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Never cared for Evil Dead.

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My fear for the Alien title is largely that it looks to be World War Z but with an Alien skin. Itā€™s also been in development for a good few years and only in Alpha while releasing next year. Meaning that this title has a good amount of time and money sunk into it for what Hunting Grounds did in about a year with less content and gameplay variety.

Looks to me like itā€™s been in the oven too long and simultaneously undercooked so they want some money back on it.

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Blasphemy. Ashley Williams did not cut his jackin hand off to not be loved by all

Guess he did then because I just never cared for that series, tried watching a few of the movies before and just couldnā€™t finish them.

Heā€™ll only get it if itā€™s not fun. He hates enjoying games. He plays games he hates. True story.


Explains the Genshi Impact

But not his collection of furry videos.

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He is the CEO of ā€œIf you cant Beat them Join themā€

True. He is also a majority shareholder in ā€œI meanā€¦ā€

Since thatā€™s how he starts most sentences.


This is True

Not griping about it, the graphics look beut but thats what i said about ACM. Iā€™m not sold until gameplay says differently. Im afraid they will be just reworking what has already been done in ACM.and thats a bad thing. so much hope was in ACM and it came out very mediocre.

So stoked for this game.

Reminds me of Left 4 Dead, but XENOS!!!

This game is gonna slayyyyyyyuuy



I see thanks

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What ever gave you this idea? Cause the alien in the first film had to be shot into space. Arnold killed the predator with booby traps and no gun. If that would have been an Alien Dutch would have been big dead. Xenomorphs are in fact, way deadlier

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I agree but also disagree. Predators are in it for the sport. Not just to quickly kill everything in sight. Thus they hold back. Even going as far as to hinder themselves in someway so as to make the hunt more worthwhile.

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