
City hunter didint seem to be holding back on no one. That’s why he’s Goated, but also, I don’t think people understand the physical disparity between Aliens and Predators. Now obviously they are movies so I’m being a bit extra here, but the Xenomorph would be much stronger, faster and obviously more agile. Like a predator in a real life scenario would get massacred by a xeno. It’s just a larger stronger faster animal that also uhhh bleeds acid

nah we have already see the scenario in aliens. hahaha guns go BRRRRRRRRRRRRR

City Hunter wasn’t even blooded. He was a noob lol
As far as disparity between a Xeno and Pred. That really depends on the type of Xeno and the build of the Pred.

Again this is a subjective conversation anyways. But if one were to take all media into consideration Predators are more deadly than Xenos. Doubly so when they don’t fuck around.

Yeah. In the movie aliens. Where they have guns and motion detectors and all that good stuff. Promise a predator gets wasted by some colonial marines lol.

nah he wont. the game evolve, so does he, compared to the alien a predator is way more pragmatic.

Theres nothing new about this game accept the hyper details of the hive.
I see working joes and WY soldiers that are…well joes as well. I see the same type of aliens almost identical to ACM.
Same type of animations, if not a variation of it. its just in 3rd person and a 3squad multiplayer online.

And how stupid the predator can get… Wolf had to fight him in h2h combat… I was like WTF!

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That’s just not subjective tho. Xenos are bigger and we have seen them grab people in full sprints and yeet them away. The physical strength definitely goes to the Xeno. And we have never and will never see a human stand a chance against a Xeno in 1v1 fair melee combat. We have seen predators lose to this. ALSO the thing about city hunter is just y’alls head cannon. “He was a noob” uhhh where? Some comic I guess? That’s entirely irrelevant we don’t just get to make shit up for someone else’s story. The guy who wrote the script gets to say how experienced city hunter was, and based on the slew of skulls and his easy dispatching of a dozen people with M60’s in like 2 minutes flat I’d say we have proof otherwise

That’s just not true. The predator can be killed with sticks and brains. Go try that with a xenomorph have fun

already done in AVP, you really overrates their acid blood don’t you?

Again you are taking bad writing as evidence. Lol I’m the original source material, it burns through steel and multiple layers of it at that. The writers of avp had no clue how to write around this so they just kinda ignored it. They said “hey like a little got on his armor! So he threw it off!” Uh. No. In a real world scenario it would be spewing blood and the predator would be dead.

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Bad writing lol an alien with acid blood was on top
Of her skewered. Lex is in fact dead in that scenario.

We had that babe in Alien 2 that PINS the alien with her leg as she unloads a pistol into his head. Try to pint a predator… JUST LOL!

Also she would not have been able to hold it up like that either. It would have been stabbed and still landed on her. Dumb scene was dumb

You are misrepresenting that scene like a lot lol. She held its head down with her foot, and it was already on the ground. Then shot it instantly lol

Okay seriously? You tell one guy:

Yet you consider every encounter with a predator resulting in a human victory as acceptable writing. Okay. I normally like our talks but I can’t deal with your shifting goalposts.

Nah she pined it down, from the head or not it does not matter. She overpowered the alien even if momentarilly.

Nice try but no. It’s consistent in predator. We have seen it multiple times. That’s a MASSIVE outlier in the alien source material.

Dude, no lol. If I stomp Arnold’s head while he’s crawling that does not mean I overpowered Arnold. That means I stomped his head while he was on the ground. The called advantage. That’s how like, weaker guys can beat larger guys in BJJ, not overpowering, but using positions of advantage. There’s a reason that was the scene, and not her kicking it to the ground or tackling it. Because she would not have been able to do that