all the salt in the world

I know I have that too :(

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I hope you have a wonderful day, Chuck.
No one running yautja bane or stacking comms today.


I needed a break from the game I’m on ARK

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How u liking ark I have the game but deleted shit gave me cancer

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@Anonymous.Voorhees13 bro 😂😂😂
Dude , I can’t believe this guy still talking about this game
He always pushing mission , he doesn’t even try to KILL AIS LOL
At least kill some AIs to help your team dude
We know you don’t have skill to fight against predator , but AIs ?! Seriously ?! Lol
Btw if you want we can play with QR4 against your predator @CHUCK_YT and you can use battle axe like always
Check this video btw , it’s your gameplay as predator and Fireteam 😂😂😂


One more question
Which perks we can use actually against you ?!
Should we use assault comms with XP boost and blood perk ?! I mean , it’s up to you bro
Just say the perks and also you can choose guns
We are always ready for private match


I pity ya’ll, nah see the only one who has somewhat got on my good side again is Voorhees13 because at least he and I like to talk sometimes, I already got over being called an n word I was just saying that was a toxic moment

Eh lag here and there

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I never say the N word you and all my friends know that
But just letting you know we are ready for private match if you think my friends are not good because they use sniper or yautja bane
We can win without these , hell I just start playing with EMP LMAO


Bruh it won’t matter, even if I do beat you, which is an if, because I’ve gotten better so have you guys, even if I do win, ya’ll probably would say something like oh u didn’t beat us at full power or some shit, honestly I’ve lost taste for PHG for a lot of reasons, bugs and mechanics for 2 top reasons

I didn’t say it was u, but someone in your group did, again not pointing out who.

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Look I got nothing more to say than to say, I just don’t do privates anymore, it ain’t healthy for either side because we all gonna find some way to pin the blame on the loss on the other side, it just ain’t worth it in this dead game anymore

Idk but it’s not a dead game cuz we know alot of people still playing this game
And we have alot of fun on private matches
So if you wanted to play against us , “IF”
just let me know
ggs and take care


Maybe one day, ggs

See people? This is how we work out problems, call each other out, be mad at each other, then slowly start talking again…… don’t do what me, the apples and Savage’s team have been doing pointlessly 😂 anywho peace ✌️


the predator being underpowered compared to the fireteam is only a problem for new players i feel, it seems once you find a playstyle perfect for you and only you it is extremely easy to get massive amounts of xp

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That’s another thing, if you’re brand new to the game you are fucked until u hit 150, there are no proper tutorials, which people have made some good ones kudos to them, and builds are not explained properly, some others have also done that kudos as well, balance rn is on the FT’s side and anyone who argues is lying to themselves, Predator only has one melee weapon that can one tap, which is a bit op, but it’s tracking is shit, so that’s a FT advantage

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That sucks

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Yeah we both have some decent ideas about the game and how it can get better, also good lores and backstories for our own made-up Predators.

Yes it was. [quote=“CHUCK_YT, post:49, topic:27782, full:true”]
Yes it was. But we both know I never meant that. If someone is genuinely offended by something I say and they express that, then I will apologize and not say it again. The way I see it these kinds of things you say online don’t have as much of an impact or validity as real life. They aren’t right to say don’t get me wrong but in general nobody really cares what you say in my experience. I don’t say that anymore anyway but other people do, when people who are likely to be offended by those remarks are in the chat, but they aren’t bothered by it.

I mean if @ScOp_StUrMi and I ask @Savage3i3 how many camels he would have to sell to get a PS5 we all laugh about it because it’s a joke and isn’t relevant anyway. If someone talks in a dumb English accent and keeps saying “Crumpets and tea” then I don’t get offended because it’s a joke.

If anything it’s a clash of personalities and sense of humours. Like I love telling jokes like “What’s the difference between a baby and a pizza? A pizza doesn’t scream when you put it in the oven” and that makes most people in our group laugh but if I were to say that to some people they would call me a psycho and/or kick me out of their group.

Don’t get me wrong though here it’s still not right to say that word in particular but there is always, and has always been a fine line between dark humours and just downright offensive shit, not in this particular case because that word really has no place anywhere for good reason, but some people will still tolerate more typically offensive jokes than others. I myself ain’t exactly right in the head fyi but there are still lines drawn in the sand that we shouldn’t cross.

I myself have moved on from that moment and crap, as we all should. We should just keep respectful to one another, we all have our differences and this is a forum for an 18 rated game so of course swear and scream profanities as much as you like but don’t bring prejudice views into it.

It’s a lesson we could ALL learn from.