Amazon pred is strong as fuck

Neh but it is the kettle calling the pot black

And I ain’t pissed about the update

I’m pissed that people like you support this shit


Well that makes sense given I don’t think highly of you

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Amazon is indeed a good class but I don’t agree with your argument.

Melee was always a strong way to go when playing vs low/mid tier FTs. I still think that Valkyrie ghost with axe or hook is still one of the strongest builds you can play.
If you can master the melee mechanics you can easely win 9 games out of 10 in pubs.

Different story vs good players and even more vs premades. For example, if you meet players like Moralez and his team (infiniteplayz, swag guy etc, others name I don’t remember) or PC deathsquads , melee is not viable. Amazon class won’t help at all.


Melee is great for bullying kids running XP perks. That’s about it.

But fuck those kids anyway


I agree, cause it seems thinking is also a taboo for you.


Ft is op tho. Like that’s a fact. Come on man, dont act like it takes skill to win as ft.

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The pred classes arent different.
Play any game with a good class system you would understand.

The problem with you buying it is ilfonic is a shitty company and dont deserve any money.


Why should anyone listen to you when your brain is as rigid as an egg.


I’m not having this conversation again. I’m sorry.
But considering it’s you, i’ll say this much.
FT is only OP when it’s a full premade team.
Less then that, it’s not.


So then ft is op

Only 1 out of 200 public matches.

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The failure of a player to play well by either communication, build design, or teamwork, is not the fault of the game.

Oh. But when we’re talking about Pred then it’s game’s fault right?
C’mon dude. All the cards were alrrady played by Pred mains. No one with atleast 2 brain cells is gonna fall for that speech created by minds to feed their ego.
Get lost.


Its just the numbers. This isn’t a matter of opinion man.
No matter who’s using anything the set stats do not change.

Just because some people cant pull it off, doesn’t mean its not op.

Its different for pred tho, because no matter what, you will always be out damaged. Again, this isn’t opinion, its fact. Just by looking at the numbers you can see this.

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Hes a ft main telling you that, and I’m a hybrid.
More ft now tho since I only play rarely with friends.

So no pred main is telling you this.

Read my anser to Eshtion.
That applies to Pred aswell.

Also, if that was real, how come you can go on YT and see victories of top tier Preds vs Top tier FT and vice versa?
You see it, because it’s possible. If it’s possible once, it’s always possible.
Bottom line i can admit that the Pred has much less room for mistakes. But that’s just lore. If he makes a mistake, he dies or close… Every movie, every story tells you that.

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It doesnt matter. Nobodies individual results matter.

We are looking at numbers. Those dont change. They are way to high given the fire rate and when you add x2 or more to the mix.

This is fact. Not opinion.

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That’s some faulty logic there. “You won one time out of 100, see it’s possible and not OP git gud”.


Oh yay more aids. Yall are arguing about a game that, reguardless of balance, is critically shit in many many other aspects as well. Reguardless of whether ft or pred is op, don’t buy this fucking dlc because the people who made the game are fuckstains and don’t deserve the cash.


One can’t just focus on numbers bro. That’s a very narrow perspective. There’s a lot more variables in a match than base numbers.